chp 6 quiz* Flashcards
an offense against God whereby sinners turn from God’s live through a false love of self
an offense against reason, truth and right conscience; a failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods; an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law
Original Sin
the first ever sin that was done by Adam and Eve because of their pride, which has affected every person after them
personal sin
a failure to love God above everything and our neighbor as ourselves; a sin that we personally commit
venial sin
personal sin that weakens but does not kill or relationship with God
mortal sin
personal sin that involves a serious matter, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will. it results in total rejection of God and alienation from Him
social sin
a cycle of sin, violence, and injustice caused by individual sins
five steps of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
examination of conscience contrition confess absolution penance