Chp 3: Tetrapods Flashcards
Class amphibia
350 mya
Labyrinthodonts= first amphibians, large
“Maze tooth” like rhipidistian fish
What do terrestrial organisms need?
- lungs
- skin resistant to abrasion, desiccation
- sense organs in air
- vertebral regions specialized
- girdles anchored to skeleton
- strong limbs, bones, + muscles
- protected embryos
Characteristics to first appear in amphibians
- fleshy, movable tongue
- middle ear bone = columella (homologous to stapes)
- glands to moisten eye + movable eyelids
- limbs
- lungs? (Lungfish)
Lissamphibians (living)
200 mya Frogs, salamanders, caecilians -moist, glandular skin w/o scales (no keratin, no dermal bone) -frogs "Anuran" -salamander "urodel"
Class reptilia
300 mya
*1st amniotic egg
*1st epidermal scale
Special Reptilia Characteristics
Keratinized, desiccation-resistant skin
- epidermal scales
- claws
- solid ribs
- extra-embryonic membranes surround young
Amniotic egg
- yolk (food source)
- allantois (waste product)
- chorion (gas exchange)
- amnion (cushion)
- shell (protection)
Stem reptile
- carapace (dorsal surface)
- plastron (ventral surface)
- turtles, tortoises -anapsid
Eureptilia; Lepidosauromorpha
- ichthyosaurs (marine, extinct)
- plesiosaurs (marine, extinct)
- snakes
- lizards
- all have diapsid skull (2 temporal openings)
Eureptilia; Archosauromorpha
Thecodonts= stem archosaur
“Deep socket tooth”
Bipedal, long neck, strong pelvis
Gave rise to:
Pterosaurs (flying reptiles)
-ornothischians (not related to birds)
Bird-shaped pelvis
Dinosaurs and Birds
- fused clavicles
- sternum
- scapula long + thin
- swivel wrist
- endothermic?
- loss of finger digits
- pubis backward
- bipedal
- 3 foreword pointing toes
Class Aves
Birds (avion) 150 mya *feathers from epidermal scales -surface area, yet lightweight -insulation for endothermy -flighty (in most) (secondary) 1861 Archaeopteryx fossil found Both feathers + teeth Great diversity in modern birds
Subclass Synapsida
"Mammal like" reptiles -moderate size -active carnivore -specialized teeth -skull with 1 temporal fenestra -1 small group gave rise to mammals Ex: Pelycosaurs, Therapsids
Class Mammalian
200 mya
- hair
- mammary glands
- 3 middle ear ossicles
- *1 bone in lower jaw
Subclass Prototheria
-egg layers:
Duck bill platypus
Subclass Theria
-marsupials = pouched mammals
-placentas = uterus with placenta