Chp 2: Phylum Hemichordata Flashcards
Subphylum cephalochordata
(Head cord)
Lancelets, amphioxus, “branchiostoma”
Acorn worm
Pharynx w/slits
DHNC (only in collar)
Stomochord (homologous to notochord?? No.)
No post anal tail: gut tube goes all the way through animal
Features of cephalochordata
All chordate characteristics of adults And... No vertebrae Some cephalization Asymmetry in myomeres
Subphylum Urochordata
(Tail cord)
Tunicates or sea squirts
Urochordata traits
Pharyngeal slits
Notochord only in tail of larvae
Filter feeders
Tunic of cellulose
Water flow: incurrent siphon (like plants), pharynx w/slits, atrium, excurrent siphon
*become sessile (lose tail)
Subphylum vertebrata
500 mya
50000 species (half are fish)
Distinguishing characteristics of vertebrata
- cranium
- vertebrae
Other vertebrate characteristics
- true brain, several divisions
- well developed eyes, organs of chemical perception
- extreme cephalization
- thyroid, pituitary (better reg. of hormones)
- solid liver
- hepatic portal blood system *
- gall bladder
- large body size
Agnatha vs gnathostomes
Without jaw or with jaw
Fish vs tetrapods
Fins or limbs
Amniotes vs anamoniotes
Extra-embryonic membrane or not
Class Agnatha
500 mya
Jawless fish (lamprey, hagfish)
*first vertebrate group
-most primitive body plan
Subclass myxinoidea
- no jaw, bone, or scales
- sucking mouth, scavengers
- mucous glands
Subclass petromyzontida
- no jaw, bone, or scales
- rasping tongue, many are parasites
Subclass “ostracodermi”
- first vertebrates, 500 mya
- first bone
- small filter feeders
- no jaw
Class placodermi
400 mya; all extinct
Placo= plate
Derm= skin
Armored fish
- first jaw
- jaws from 1st pharyngeal arch
- paired appendages
- gas bladder (move around)
Class Chondrichthyes
Sharks, rays, chimeras
-400 mya
Chondr= cartilage
Icthhyes= fish
- no bone in skeleton; skeleton fish
- evolutionary dead end-> nothing else evolved from it
Class Osteichthyes
400 mya
Osteo= bone
Ichthyes= fish
-25,000 species: most diverse vertebrates
-bone in skull, vertebrae, fins, scales
*bony scales
Teleostomi= Osteichthyes
Subclass actinopterygii
- ray finned fish
- fin muscles inside body wall
- teleosti (superorder) make up 95% of all living fish
Subclass sarcopterygii
Ptery= wing
- lobe finned fish
- fin muscles are in the fin
- *point of evolution from fish to tetrapods**
3 major groups
- rhipidistians
- coelacanth
- lungfish (Dipnoi)
-Sacropterygian fish gave rise to 1st amphibians
Skull like amphibian, teeth like amphibian, bones of fin similar to tetrapods, choanae (internal nostrils)
Tiktaalik- intermediate fish fossils
“Living fossil”
Lobe finned fish
Discovered in 1938 by M. Courtenay Latimer
“Latimeria chalumna”
3 genera
- Gondwana distribution
- burrow + breathe air when transient pools dry up