CHp 15 - Soil And Foundations Flashcards
is the part of the building that transmits all the gravity and lateral loads to the underlying soil.
Soil - team to describe the material that supports the building.
Sands and Gravels
are granular materials that are nonplastic
are composed of smaller particles that have some cohesion, or tensile strength, and are plastic in their behavior
are of the intermediate size between clays and sands and behave as granular materials but are sometimes lightly plastic in their behavior.
materials of vegetable or other organic matter.
Solid Rock
which has the highest bearing capacity of all soil types.
can increase the strength of the soil and prevent hydrostatic pressure
the undesirable material is removed and new fill brought in.
Proctor Test
With all types of fill, there is an optimum relationship between the fills density and its optimum moisture content.
existing soil can simply be compacted to provide the required base for construction.
type of on-site compaction of existing material using one of several techniques involving vibration, dropping of heavy weights, or pounding piles into the ground and filling the voids with sand.
is the preloading of the ground with fill material to cause consolidation and settlement of the underlying soil before building.
Gravity Wall
resists the forces on it by its own weight and by soil pressure and soil friction against its surface opposite to the earth forces
Cantilever Wall
Resists forces by the weight of the structure as well as by the weight of the soil on the heel of the base slab
Counterfort Wall
Walls higher than 20 to 25ft, Are simply reinforced concrete webs that act as diagonal bracing for the wall.