Chp. 13: Gross Anatomy of Muscular Skeleton (Head, Neck, Thorax) Flashcards
Agonists (prime movers)
Muscles responsible for producing a particular movement
Muscles that oppose or reverse a movement
Aid the action of agonists by assisting with the same movement or by reducing undesirable or unnecessary movement.
Specialization synergists; they immobilize the origin of a prime mover so that all the tension is exerted at the insertion
Straight; a muscle with fibers running parallel to the midline
Transverse/ Oblique
Muscles that run at right angles respectively to the midline
Stationary, immovable, or less moveable attachment
More moveable attachment
Frontal Belly (of Epicranius)
ORIGIN: Epicranial aponeurosis
INSERTION: Skin of eyebrows, root of nose
ACTION: Raises eyebrows
Occipital Belly (of Epicranius)
ORIGIN: Occipital and temporal bones
INSERTION: Epicranial aponeurosis
ACTION: Fixes aponeurosis and pulls scalp posteriorly
Orbicularis Orculi
ORIGIN: Frontal and maxillary bones and ligaments around orbit
INSERTION: Tissue of eyelid
ACTION: Closes Eye
Zygomaticus (major and minor)
ORIGIN: Zygomatic bone
INSERTION: Skin and Muscle at corner of mouth
ACTION: Raises lateral corners of mouth upward (smile)
Orbicularis Oris
ORIGIN: Arises indirectly from maxilla and mandible; fibers blended with fibers of other muscles associated with lips
INSERTION: Encircles mouth; inserts into muscle and skin at angles of mouth
ACTION: Closes lips
ORIGIN: Molar Region of Maxilla and Mandible
INSERTION: Orbicularis Oris
ACTION: Compresse Cheek
ORIGIN: Zygomatic Arch
INSERTION: Angle and Ramus of mandible
ACTION: Prime mover of jaw closure
ORIGIN: Temporal Fossa
INSERTION: Coronoid Process of Mandible
ACTION: Closes Jaw
ORIGIN: Fascia of Chest (over pectoral muscles) and deltoid
INSERTION: Lower Margin of mandible, skin, and muscle at corner of mouth.
ACTION: Tenses skin of neck
ORIGIN: Manubrium and Medial portion of clavicle
INSERTION: Mastoid process of temporal bone and superior nuchal line of occipital bone
ACTION: Flexion of neck, rotate head toward shoulder on opposite side
ORIGIN: Manubrium and medial end of clavicle
INSERTION: Lower margin of hyoid bone
ACTION: Depresses larynx and hyoid bone
Pectoralis Major
ORIGIN: Clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6, and aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
INSERTION: Fibers converge to insert by short tendon into intertubercular sulcus of humerus
ACTION: Prime mover of arm flexion; adducts, medially rotates arm
Serratus Anterior
ORIGIN: Lateral aspect of ribs 1-8
INSERTION: Vertebral border of anterior surface of scapula
ACTION: Prime mover to protract and hold scapula against chest wall; rotates scapula
Pectoralis Minor
ORIGIN: Anterior surface of ribs 3-5, near their costal cartilages
INSERTION: Coracoid process of scapula
ACTION: With ribs fixed, draws scapula forward and inferiorly
External Intercostals
ORIGIN: Inferior border of rib above
INSERTION: Superior border of rib below
ACTION: Pulls ribs toward one another to elevate rib cage (aids in inspiration)
Internal Intercostals
ORIGIN: Superior border of rib below
INSERTION: Inferior border of rib above
ACTION: Draws ribs together to depress rib cage
ORIGIN: Inferior border of rib and sternum, costal cartilages of last six ribs and lumbar vertebrae
INSERTION: Central tendon
ACTION: Prime mover of inspiration flattens on contraction
Rectus Abdominus
ORIGIN: Pubic crest and symphysis
INSERTION: Xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
ACTION: Flexes and rotates vertebral column
External Oblique
ORIGIN: Anterior surface of lower eight ribs
INSERTION: Linea alba, pubic crest and tubercles, and illiac crest
ACTION: See rectus abdominus, compresses abdominal wall, trunk rotation and lateral flexion
Internal Oblique
ORIGIN: Lumbar fascia, illiac crest, and inguinal ligament
INSERTION: Linea alba, pubic crest, and costal cartilages of last three ribs
ACTION: As for external oblique
Transverse Abdominis
ORIGIN: Inguinal ligament, iliac crest, cartilages of last five ribs, and lumbar fascia
INSERTION: Linea alba and pubic crest
ACTION: Compresses abdominal contents
ORIGIN: Occipital bone; ligamentum nuchae; spines of C7 and all thoracic vertebrae
INSERTION: Acromion and Spinous process of scapula; lateral third of clavicle
ACTION: Raises, rotates, and retracts (adducts) scapula and stabilizes it
Latissimus dorsi
ORIGIN: Indirect attachment to spinous process of lower six thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, last three ribs, illac crest
INSERTION: Floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
ACTION: Prime mover of arm extension; adducts and medially rotates arm
Levator Scapulae
ORIGIN: Transverse processes of C1-C4
INSERTION: Medial border of scapula superior to spine
ACTION: Elevates and adducts scapula
Rhomboids (major and minor)
ORIGIN: Spinous processes of C7 and T1-T5
INSERTION: Medial border of scapula
ACTION: Stabilizes scapulae
Erector Spinae (Iliocostals, Longissimus, and Spinalis muscle columns)
ORIGIN: Iliac crest, transverse processes of lumbar, thoracic, and cervical vertebrae, and/or ribs 3-6 depending on specific part
INSERTION: Ribs and transverse processes of vertebrae about six segments above origin; longissimus also inserts into mastoid process
ACTION: Extend and bend the vertebral column laterally; fibers of the longissimus also extend and rotate head
Quadratus lumborum
ORIGIN: Iliac crest and lumbar fascia
INSERTION: Inferior border of rib 12; transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
ACTION: Each flexes vertebral column laterally