CHN Flashcards
7 components of Environmental Health
Solid waste
Toxic and hazardous waste
occupational health
food safety
climate change (July 2010) - recently added
PD 552 and PD 856 aids what components of the NEHAP
EO 489 means
Inter-agency committee on environmental health (IACEH)
refers to protected well, developed spring or rainwater cistern with an outlet without distribution system.
-serves 15-25 households
-outreach: not more than 250 metes from the farthest user
-40-140 L/min
Level 1 - Point source
Communal faucet located not more than 25 meters from the farthest user
Level 2
also known as Box and Can Privy or Bucket
Burial of contents at least 12 inches from
the ground, to prevent access to flies or
escape of adult flies
Pail System
toilet facilities without a bowl, equipped
with either a squatting plate or a rise with
a sear, pit reduces the volume of its
contents as the liquid infiltrated the
surrounding soil
Pit latrine or Pit Privy
an elevated pit privy that has a covered
latrine. The elevation ensures that the
bottom of the pit is at least 1.5 meters
above the water table
Antipolo Toilet
fecal matter is collected in a built septic
tank that is not connected in a sewerage
system, septic tank contains water but no
drop pipe from the latrine that is dipped
into the water
Septic Privy
fecal matter is eliminated into a water
sealed drop pipe that leads from the
latrine to a small water filled septic tank
located directly below the squatting plate.
A ventilation pipe with a fly screen on top
is part of the design.
Aqua privy
fecal material is directly eliminated into a
body of water such as the flowing river
that is underneath the facility. WHO
recognizes the acceptability of the use of
such in disaster situations like heavy
flooding when the body of water is
deemed polluted. Body of water must be
large and freely flowing.
Overhung latrine
a pit latrine with a screened air vent
installed directly over the pit. The ambient
air that enters the pit hole pushes the foul
air onto the air vent, screen on top
prevents entry of insects attracted by the
Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine
fecal matter is collected in a pit privy lined
with concrete in such manner so as to make
it water tight
Concrete vault privy
fecal matter is collected in a tank that
contains caustic chemical solution which in
turn controls and facilitates waste
Chemical privy
fecal matter is collected into a pit with
urine and anal cleansing materials with
addition of organic garbage such as leaves
and grass to allow biological
Compost privy
fecal matter is collected into a pit with
urine and anal cleansing materials with
addition of organic garbage such as leaves
and grass to allow biological
Compost privy
it has a bowl with a water seal trap similar
to the conventional tank flush except that
it requires only a small volume of water for
Pour flush latrine
feces are excreted into a bowl with a water
sealed trap. The water tank that receives a
limited amount of water empties into a
bowl for flushing of fecal materials
through the water sealed trap and into the
sewerage system
Tank flush toilet
waterless toilet system that allows the
separate collection (fecal vault and urine
container) an on site storage or treatment
of urine and feces. The fecal vault is kept
dry and the feces are left dehydrated for
agricultural waste.
Urine Diversion and Dehydration Toilet (UDDT)
waterless toilet system that allows the
separate collection (fecal vault and urine
container) an on site storage or treatment
of urine and feces. The fecal vault is kept
dry and the feces are left dehydrated for
agricultural waste.
Urine Diversion and Dehydration Toilet (UDDT)
cleanliness and proper building
construction and maintenance.
Clean up drives
Environmental sanitation control
pest control method that utilizes
nature and nature’s system without
disturbing the balance of nature
Naturalistic control
utilizes predators, parasites, and
other natural enemies of the pest
species to reduce or eliminate the
pest populations. Aimed at killing
the larvae without polluting the
Biological and genetic control
utilizes mechanical devices such as
rodent traps, fl traps, mosquito
traps, and ultraviolet light
Mechanical and physical control
utilizes mechanical devices such as
rodent traps, fl traps, mosquito
traps, and ultraviolet light
Mechanical and physical control
utilizes rodenticides, insecticides,
larvicides, and pesticides
Chemical control
control pests through the use of
different methods and procedures
that are used to complement other. pesticides, environmental
sanitation measures, and natural, as
well as mechanical, and biological
control methods
Integrated control
Minimum air space for school rooms
3.00 m3 with 1.00 m
Minimum air space for workshops, factories and offices
12.00 m3
Minimum airspace for habitable rooms
14.00 m3
Rooms for human habitations
6.00m3 with a least horizontal
dimensions of 2.00m
3.00m2 with a least
horizontal dimension of 1.50m
1.20m2 with at least
a horizontal dimension of 900 mm
Bath and toilet
Rooms provided with artificial ventilation
shall have a ceiling of heights not less than
Rooms with natural ventilation shall have a
ceiling heights of not less than
Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling
height not less than
1.80 m above and below
involves looking into the manpower and
physical resources of the agency
Structure Evalution
is examining the manner by which
assessment, diagnosis, planning,
implementation, and evaluation were
- assess whether an intervention or model
was implemented as planned, whether the
target population.
Process Evaluation
determine whether and to what extent the
expected changes occurred and whether
these changes can be attributed to the
program activities
Outcome evaluation
done during implementation to provide
feedback on compliance in the plan to
improve the process and outcomes of
Ongoing evaluation and Monitoring
is the value of the evaluation in
terms of usefulness of results. this
will help provide basis for utilizing
the community health process
answers the questions of the plan
for evaluation considering the
resources available for conducting
the evaluation
The results of the evaluation should
be truthfully recorded to give credit
where it is due and to show
strength and weakness of the
respect for worth and dignity of the
participants upon data collection
should be given consideration
A high degree of validity and
reliability can be achieve by utilizing
the appropriate evaluation tool
refers to the validity and reliability
of the results of the evaluation. It
begins with accurate
documentation while the
community health process is
manage the unique identification of
citizens receiving healthcare
Client Registry
Manages unique Identification of health care providers
Provider registry
Manages the unique identification of places where health services are administered
Health Facility registry
Clinical activities, activities standard health data sets, terminologies and formats
Standards Terminology Services
A repository of client’s records with information and the exchange
Shared health record
Receives communication from various application systems being used by health facilities and orchestrates messaging processing interoperably
Interoperability layer
Monitor the trends of diseases
through EMR, allowing target
interventions for health
promotions, disease prevention,
curative services or rehabilitation
Data and record manager
They do not
force technology in the community
but inform and guide the
community ( do not enforce
technology with them)
Change agent
provides health education to
individual and families through ICT
in the event that a patient needs to
be referred to a remote medical
specialist through telemedicine,
nurses may function as a
must safeguard patients records
ensuring security and
confidentiality and privacy of all
patient information
Client Advocate
Using eHaleath tools. patient
records can easily be retrieved and
analyzed by the nurse. Pursue in
continuing nursing informatics
education with the goal of
developing a research framework to
be beneficial to the community