China Study Guide Flashcards
Idealistic and egalitarian.
Endorsed centralized power exercised through the top leaders of the party.
Stressed the importance of staying connected to the peasants (mass line)
Right thinking
-democratic centralism, ideal society, self reliance, egalitarian, mass line, loyalty to state
1. Collectivism-valuing the good of community, contrasts scholars
2. Struggle and activism-pursue socialism
3. Mass line
4. Egalitarian-opposition to hierarchy
5. Self reliance-rely on own talents
Mandate of Heaven
Right to rule as seen by the collective ancestral wisdom that guided the empire from the heavens above. How power was determined. Established legitimacy.
Mass line
Came from Maoism. Required leaders to listen to and communicate with ordinary folks. Without it, legitimacy is questionable.
-line of communication btw party leaders, members, and peasants that would allow all to struggle toward realization of the goals of a communist state
- shaped since 6th century
- order and harmony
- submit to emperors power (fulfill duties conscientiously)
- contradicts egalitarian of communism bc it’s central belief in unequal relationships
- mandate of heaven
- ideal society based on harmony and obedience
- hierarchical social and political organizations
- loyalty to family
Authoritarian power
- subjects
- ruling family subject to attack from regional warlords
- tendency towards decentralization
Bureaucratic hierarchy based on scholarship
- emperor has highly organized bur
- they form elite based on Confucian scholarship
- divide between elite and large peasant population
Middle Kingdom
- zhongguo
- center of civilization
- what han referred to
Deng xiaoping theory
(Communist ideologies)
- practical mic of authoritarian political control and economic privatization
- didn’t care about soc/com, wanted to improve economy
- communist tradition: party should supervise all, and no allowances should be made for individual freedoms and or democracy
1. Open door
2. Reforms in education
3. Institutionalizations of revolution
The soviet model
- had supported mao’s efforts since the 1920s, and with his victory in 1949, it began pouring money and expertise
- attention to land reform, civil reform (opium and women), and the five year plans (nationalize industry and collectivize agriculture)
The Great Leap Forward
-Mao and nationalism
-utopian effort to transform china into a radical egalitarian society
1. All around development: agriculture and heavy industry
2. Mass mobilization: better motivization, work, less unemployed
3. Political unanimity and zeal: party workers (cadres) running government
4. Decentralization: gov on local level
The cultural revolution
- 1966 and 1976
- Mao allowed liu shaoqi and deng xiaoping to implement market oriented policies for economy
- purify the party and the country through radical transformation
1. The ethic of struggle
2. mass lone
3. Collectivism
4. Egalitarian
5. Unstinting service to society - remove all vestiges of the old china (bur and inequality)
3 factions after Mao died in 1976
- Radicals: led by mao’s wife jiang qing, supported radical goals of cultural revolution
- Military: Lin biao, died in plane crash in 1971
- Moderates: Zhou enlai, emphasized econo,oc modernization and limited contact
Order of leadership
1 Mao 2 deng 3 jiang zemin 4 hu jintao 5 xi jinping
Ethnic cleavage
- minority groups now comprise only about 8% of the PRcs population
- autonomous areas (Tibet and xinjiang) make up more than 60% territory
- 55 minority groups
- 5 autonomous regions: guangxi, Inner Mongolia, ningxia, Tibet, and xinjian
Urban rural cleavages
- redefined meaning of two China’s
- 80% countryside in 80s to 47% today
- economic and social lifestyle differences
Civil society
: the appearance of private organizations that do not directly challenge the authority of stage but focus on social problems, such as the environment
- gov sponsored dam projects
- hu jintao: harmonious development
- lack transparency (train tracks)
:China’s traditional household registration systems that makes it difficult to move from one place to another
Political institution
- decentralization
- move towards market economy
- head of central military commission most powerful
- unlike Russia integrate military
Chinese communist party
- legitimacy from rep of the historical best interests of all the ppl
- organized hierarchically on levels: village/township, county, province, nation
- top is supreme leader (general secretary)
- central bodies:
1. National party congress
2. Central committee
3. Non politburo/standing committee
National party congress
- 2000 delegates chosen primarily for congresses on lower levels
- meets every 5 years
- rubber stamps decides made by party leaders
- power to elect members of the central committee
Central committee
- 350 members
- annually for a week
- meetings are called plenums
- from their midst, people for the politburo and standing committee are chosen
Politburo/standing committee
- most powerful
- chosen by central committee
- decisions dictate gov policies
- p has 25 members
- standing committee chosen from p has 7
- meet in secret
Guanxi and patron client system
Personal connections
Hold Chinese politics together
-patron client network
-personal Career toes among individuals as they rise in bur or political structures
-Guanxi is based on ideological differences and similarities and is pervasive at the local level
- how china recruits it’s leaders
- choosing cadres from lower levels of the party hierarchy for advancement based on their loyalty and contributions to the well being of the party
Ways factions split
- Conservatives: worried the power of the party and central gov has eroded too much, concerned about movements towards democracy, li peng
- Liberals: hu huobang and zhao ziyang (ousted for being too synpathetic)
Shanghai gang
Jiang zemin-stepped down in 2003
Based on patron client system
Called this, made up of his associated from his time as mayor of Shanghai
Pushed for membership of world trade org and courted the us to grant most favored trading status to china
- aristocracy of families with revolutionary credentials from the days of Mao Zedong
- preferences not clear
- hu jintao’s son (hu haifeng)
- wen yungson (son of wen jiabao)
Chinese communist youth league
-led by former president hu jintao
- tightening up, loosening up cycle
- waxing and wanning of the power of each
- from factions
1. Economic reform
2. Letting go
3. Tightening up
Guanxi and economic boom causes
- head was executed, admitted to being bribed
- Bo xilai covered his wife’s crime
- xi jinping announced a new anti-corruption program
- glaxosmithkline and drugs
Interest groups
- organized int groups and social movements aren’t permitted to influence the political process unless they are under party state authority
- states tried to avoid these by forming mass organizations which revolve around occupations
Social units usually based on a persons place of like. Crucial to implementing the one child policy.
Parallel hierarchies
- The communist party
- The state or government
- The People’s Liberation Army
- dual role:vertical supervision by the next higher part level of gov and horizontal supervision of the communist party at the same leve
National peoples congress
- theoretically are the peoples legislatures, but in reality are subject to party authority
- chooses the president and vp of china but there is only on party sponsored candidate for each position
- has little power, but meetings are important because the politburos decisions are announced then
The executive branch
- the president and vp are subject to 5 year terms and are limited to two terms
- must be 45
- mainly ceremonial
- premier: head of government, formally appointed by the president, member of standing committee
- current premier is li keqiang
- dual role
The judiciary (rule of law)
- four tiered peles court system, organized hierarchically
- people’s procuratorate provides public prosecutes and defenders to the court
Issues with rule of law
-until 1950s, rule of law had little place under Mao, but after 1978 Chinese leaders began to develop a new legal ideas and institutions that included this important concept
-now acknowledges rule of law, and interprets it to mean that laws bind behavior and all are equally subject to them
:based on the belief that rulers should not have absolute power over their subjects
People’s Liberation Army
- economapasses all of the country’s ground, air, and naval armed sevices
- 2.3 mill active personal and 12 mill reserves
- smaller than us and us spends 4.5 times more
- skeptical of us army after we aided Taiwan
Iron rice bowl
:cradle to grace health care, work, and retirement security, Mao
The peoples communes
- peasants organized into collective farms 250 each
- glf caused them to become bigger
- effort to realize important socialist goals
Household responsibility system
- deng replaced communes with this
- still in effect today
- individual families take charge of the production and marketing of crops
- pay gov taxes and fees
Hong Kong
-subject to Chinese rule, but has a high amount of autonomy
- destination of chiang Kai shek
- claimed to be the republic of china
- autonomy protected by us
- 1971 lost membership to un and seat on security council
- China is biggest trade partner
4 historical eras
Dynastic rule
Resistance to imperialism
Deng xiaoping theory
State run newspaper
Revolution of 1911
Led by sun yat-sen. Successful attempt to reestablish china as an independent country.