Children Congenital + Neuromuscular Diseases Flashcards
what is the other name for clubfoot
(congenital) talipes equinovarus
what causes clubfoot
in utero abnormal alignment of the joints between the talus, calcaneus and navicular
how many cases of clubfoot are bilateral and who is more likely to get it
four components of clubfoot
CAVE Cavis Adductus Varus (alignment of the forefoot) (ankle) Equinus
what is postural talipes
when babies born, feet are squished up and looks a little clubfoot. However, they can be stretched out
what technique is used to treat clubfoot
Ponseti technique
what is preformed if ponseti technique does not work
tenotomy of the achilles tendon
what does congenital vertical talus present as
rigid rocker-bottom flatfoot
what are signs of NF I
Cafe au lat spots Neurofibromas Axillary/groin freckling Lisch nodules Sphenoid dysplasia
what is the cause of skeletal dysplasia
genetic error resulting in abnormal development of bone and connective tissue
> 300 described
what is the commonest skeletal dysplasia and what are its features
disproportionately short limbs with a prominent forehead and widened nose. Joints are lax and mental development is normal.
signs/symptoms of achondroplasia
Frontal bossing Midface hypoplasia Rhizomelic disproportion (proximal part of limbs are short) Genu varum Trident hand Normal intelligence Motor delay
what is the genetic mutation linked with NF I
definition of Cerebral palsy
A persisting qualitative motor disorder appearing before the age of three years, due to non progressive damage to the encephalon occurring before the growth of the central nervous system is complete
what is the pathogenesis of CP
1 - Brain injury 2 - increased tone 3 - abnormal posture 4 - contracture 5 - bony deformity