Childhood Flashcards
How is childhood arguably a social consrtuction?
It is created and defined within the society it is in.
-notion may be different in other cultures
What does Pilcher argue about the modern notion of childhood?
-Childhood is seen as a distinct and seperate stage that needs protecting
Give examples to support how childhood be seen as a separate stage from adulthood?
-Child protection laws; what children can and cant do
-Differences in dress
-Childrens toys, books, products
What is meant by the golden age of childhood?
Children seen as innocent and thus vulnerable, meaning they need protection
-Children thus ‘quarantined’ in the family sphere
What does Wagg suggest about the golden age/ seperate age status of childhood?
The seperatism of childhood in western societies is not universal
How does Punch’s study support the cross cultural differences in childhood?
Bolivia, children take on work responsibility from 5 years
How do other studies support the cross cultural differences in childhood?
Samoan village, no such thing as too young for work (Holmes)
-less value on obedience to adults; not a right but a choice (Firth)
-sexual behaviour seen as amusing(Malinowski)
How has the notion of childhood from a western perspective been globalised?
Campaigns against child labour impose western views of how childhood should be, onto developing countries
How does Aries support the idea of historical differences in childhood?
There was no childhood in middle ages.
-Children were ‘mini adults’ as soon as they were weaned,
-faced same punishments, lack of protecting laws
Why did the notion of childhood change after the 13th century?
Creation of ‘modern cult of childhood’ due to;
-childrearing books
According to Shorter, how did the parental attitudes to children change from middle ages to now?
Higher death rates encouraged neglect, parents more likely to give child name of dead sibling vs now where less death so valed more
Why has the position of children changed?
-Child protection laws; childreen economic liability
-Compulsary schooling; extended dependency
-Declining family size, lower infant mortality; quality over quantity
What does Postman argue about the future of childhood?
-Childhood is dissapearing at a dazzling speed
-similarities in clothing, children commiting adult crimes e.g Jon Venabales
How has the information heirarchy led to the dissapearance of childhood according to Postman?
television blurs distinction between childhood and adulthood by destroying the seperateness of knowledge between the two stages
How can you critisice Postmans idea that childhood is dissapearing?
we are instead becoming more child-centered, continued seperation of childs culture
What is jenks view of childhood?
In postmodern society, childhood is not dissapearing but changing due to societal changes e.g divorce
- familys rely on children for stability as those relationships are permenant
-thus childreb are watched more closely
What is the march of progress view of childhood? Give examples
Children are more valued,protected and educated
e.g laws against child abuse/labour
-better healthcare decreasing infant mortality
how have smaller family impacted childhood?
Led to child centeredness as more money can be allocated to the child
What is Palmer’s view on childhood?
-Technical and cultural changes have damaged child development
-increase in Obesity, self harm, drug abuse
According to conflict theorists, how can. gender inequalities affect the experience of childhood?
Boys have more freedom at younger age e.g go out dark unaccompanied
-Girls do more housweork
According to conflict theorists, how can ethnic inequalities affect the experience of childhood?
Bhatti- asian families are more strict on children due to family honour
According to conflict theorists, how can class inequalities affect the experience of childhood?
-poor= low birthweight babies= delayed development
-poor= more likely death, fall behind in schools
In what ways are children controlled in society
-control over space e.g child/no child zones
-control over time; meals,school
-control over access to resources; poorly paid parttime jobs
control over bodies; hairsytles, smacking
What is the age patriarchy? (Gittens)
Adults doiminate and control children by restricting freedom
-Children resist this freedom by acting up/acting down
How can Child liberationists suchas Gittens be criticised
-Children need to be controlled due to immaturity
What is the new sociology of childhood?
-We should focus more on child POV, not ‘adultist view’
Children create their own childhoods.
-Tipper; choosing own family
-Smart;children actively involved in divorce