Changing Family Patterns Flashcards
How can changes in the Law explain increase in divorce?
DRA makes divorce easier, cheaper and faster
-Equal and wider grounds for divorce
How can declining stigma and changing attitudes explain increase in divorce?
Divorce becomes more socially acceptable and is thus normalised so more indivduals likely to do it
How can secularisation explain increase in divorce?
-The influence that the church has to reduce divorce is decreased
-The church has also softened their views on divorce
-Church attendance declining
How can rising expectations of marriage explain increase in divorce?
Fletcher- indivduals want romantic love (Mr and Mrs Right) and expect that. If this is not there, they will divorce
-In past, expectations were lower so more willing to deal with unhappiness
How can womens increased financial independence explain increase in divorce?
Women more likely to be in paid work so More able to support yourself in the event of a divorce
-Not relying on husband financially so are less tolerable of conflict
How can feminist explanations explain increase in divorce?
-Women more aware of patriarchal nature of marriage and so are less lily to tolerate it
How do feminists criticise fletchers view of the rising expectations of marriage?
Thay argue that marital conflict is the main cause of divorce, not pursuit of romantic love
-They also argue it ignores why more women who seek divorce
How can modernity and individualisation explain increase in divorce?
Giddens and Beck- in modern society, we pursue relationships out of self interest so leave if not fulfilled (not a pure relationship) = more fragile relationships=more divorce
What do different sociological perspectives believe about high divorce rates?
New right-undesireable as undermines trad nuclear family
Feminists-desireable=women not oppressed
Postmodernists-shows choice relationships, explains greater family diversity
func-result of higher expectations,but remarriage rates show commitment to marriage
interactionalists- divorce has different meanings to different ppls
What are the pattern in marriage in recent years?
-low marriage rate
-1/3 of all marriages are remarriages
-People marrying later
-Less likely to marry in a church
What are the reasons for the changing patterns in marriage?
-Declining stigma attatched to alternatives
-Changes in womens position
-Fear of divorces
How can the increase in remarriages, age on marrying and decline in religious weddings be explained
Remarriages- increase in divorce
Age of marrying-More focus on career/education as well as cohabitation
Religious weddings- secularisation, churches refuse to marry divorcees
What are the trends in cohabitation?
-3.5 million cohabiting heterosexual couples in britain
What are the reasons for an increase in cohabitation?
-decline in stigma around sex before marriage
-women have more oppurtunities so dont need financial support of a marriage
What are the two ways couples see cohabitation?
-A temporary phase before marriage (trial marriage)
-Permanent alternative to marriage