child lang theory Flashcards
who is bellugi
stages of negative formations
- uses no at beginningg of sentence
-‘ I no walking today’
-‘I dont want to walk today’
what does chompski suggest
- children are innately equipped to discover grammar
what does Roger brown suggest
stages of morpheme acquisition
-adding ‘ing ‘
-adding ‘s’
-contractible copula ‘shes’
who is Kroll
preparation stage - pre phonemic scribbling , learning basic motor skills
-consolidation stage - writing is similar to spoken langue ,colloquial, unfinished
-differentiation - an awareness that writing is separate from speech, a stronger understanding of writing for different audiences and purposes
integration stage - mid teens - development of a personal voice in wiring characterised by evidence of controller writing .
who’s richard gentry
pre phonemic stage non alphabetic -scribbles that dont correlate to alphabet
2) semi phonetic stage - writing becomes to be recognisable , child recognises link between grapheme and phoneme
3)phonetic spellin g- words spelt as sounded
4) transitional stage - spelling is increasingly accurate
5) conventional stage - children start to spell most words accurately and understand unusual patters
who was jean rothery
1) observation - makes an observation and evaluates it - I ate my tea, my tea was yummy
2) recounting - retelling events chronologylcy
3) reporting - objective description of events
4) narrative - a story set for events to occur ‘once upon a time ‘
the importance of MKO
- the classroom environment with an MKO used to encourage the student
eve clark
- teacher comments , positive reinforcement through ticks and reward
-vygotsky- MKO
Bruner - LASS ritualised scenario , scaffolding and discovery learning
Eve Clark- use of Childs name
Chomsky-virtous spelling errors
usage based theory
-children learn language socially
language structure comes from language use
children have an active role
they’re humans that want to discover their surroundings so use lang to reflect this
-children cannot understand a word unless they have grasped the concept
-object permanence 0-2 yrs
egocentric lang ( pre operational stage 2-7)
- the world of the child is most important
concrete operational stage 7-11yrs
-child becomes more logical
more on Chomsky
- children have the ability and capacity to learn language
- we all have a LAD - allowing us to work out grammatical rules
-children are active learners and learn through discovery learning
-virtous error
Jean burko
wugs test
- demonstrating grammar rules
- one wug
two wugs
what is scaffolding
support offered by a parent to aid child development
whats discovery learning
- bruner
- the child activley participates in the task rather than passivly receiving knowledge