Basic language terminology Flashcards
what are some basic language terminally used in adverts literacy etc
-semantic field
- pre modifying adjectives ( Very nice)
- vocatives ( miss /mr)
-discourse markers (so, well)
- plural inflections (cat, cats)
-superlatives( greatest)
-elipsis (omisión of words/letters )
-elisions(omissions of sounds e.g. gonna )
-taboo lexis
-poly/mono lexis
-non standard dialect
-collocations (fast food not quick food )
-evokatives (love/hate - word describing emotion
-euphenism( passed away not died)
-code switching depending on setting and who you’re with
-deixis (there, here, this, that)
-syntactic parallesm
-snthetic personlaistaion
-clipped (telephone-phone)
-hyperphora(answering own q)
what are some verb uses
-modal auxiliary verbs ( must, should , would)
-adverbs ( surprisingly)
-dynamic verbs( running)
-stative verbs ( I know ,she seems)
-mitigated imperatives (may)(could)
what are some type of nouns
-abstract noun ( feeling , thoughts , love, hate)
-noun phrases
-pro noun
-possesive noun (mine, yours-3rd 2nd 1st person)
-compound noun (combining 2 things eg toothbrush, hairbrush)
types of grammatical phrases
-sentense types (imperative, declarative -tenses
-subjunctive(I wish-hypothetical)
-articles (, THE book , AN apple )
Main theorists for literacy(general 1st yr)
-norman fairclough(increased formality)
-David crystal( language changes to reflect society)
-French and Raven ( field specific lexis for expertise)
-brown and levingson ( face theory-)
What did Brown and Levinson propose
-Face theory( referring to self image to portray yourself the way you want )
positive face -The desire to be liked, admired, or respected by others; the need for approval and social acceptance.
negative face -The desire for autonomy, freedom from imposition, and the wish to be unimpeded by others. It’s the desire to not be intruded upon or forced into actions.
face threatening act-that can potentially damage a person’s face, either by threatening their positive face (e.g., causing embarrassment or disapproval) or their negative face
what did Halliday propose
language works in the real world. He focused on how language helps people achieve things in social contexts, and how we use language not just to convey meaning, but also to build relationships, express ideas, and create social interactions.
Sharing knowledge (ideational),
Building relationships (interpersonal),
Organizing information (textual).
William Labov
He examined how social factors such as class, ethnicity, and age influence language use
language and identity is crucial for understanding how dialects, accents, and sociolects vary across different social groups, which is often a focus in A-Level English Language.
John Swales -
discourse community
-people who are of the same task or similarities share the same language
Robin Lakoff
she argued that women’s language is often characterized by hedging, politeness, and tentativeness,
reflecting the subordinate role of women in society.
anguage reflects and reinforces gender inequality.
Noam Chomsky
which posits that humans are born with an innate ability to learn language, and that the rules of grammar are hard-wired into the brain. His work revolutionized the study of syntax.
-snthetic personalisation
creates the illusion of a personal relationship between the speaker or writer and the audience
His work focuses on how language is used to maintain or challenge social power structures and how discourse (spoken and written language) reflects, reinforces, or challenges social inequalities.