Child Lang Aq Flashcards
Atchison’s three developmental processes?
- Labelling - linking sound to an object
- Packaging - understanding the range of meaning for words
- Network building - making connections between words e, synonyms and antonyms
When does the holophrastic stage occur and what is its main characteristic?
1-2 years
single word used to express a complete idea
What is object permanence and who developed the idea?
There is a stage where children understand that when an object is not longer in their immediate vision, it still exists. At this stage their vocab increases hugely
What are Rescorla’s two types of overextension?
- Categorical (things in a similar category)
- Analogical (things that relate to each other eg, hat and head)
What does seriation mean and who developed the idea?
A point at which a child can tell the difference between objects in regards to size, at this point their vocabulary allows for words like “bigger” and “smaller”.
Define hypernym and hyponym.
hypernym = the category hyponym = the item
Define overextension.
when a child extends the meaning of a word
Define underextension.
the use of a word in a limited way which does not recognise its full meaning
What is the innateness theory and who is most associated with it?
Noam Chomsky
The theory that a child’s brain contains a special language-learning mechanisms (LAD - language aquisition device) at birth
What’s the behaviorist theory and who is most associated with it?
Children imitate adults, correct utterances are reinforced when they get what they want or are praised
What is the interaction theory and who is most associated with it?
The interaction between children and caregivers helps them learn language
What is the cognitive theory and who is most associated with it?
Language is just an aspect of a child’s overall intellectual development.
Who studies the “fis” “fish” and what theory developed as a result?
Berko and Brown
comprehension vs production theory
Who developed the “wug” test and which theory does it support?
Supports Chomsky’s innateness
What are the first three inflections a child will acquire and who made this observation?
- present participle “ing”
- plural “s”
- possessive “s”