Child and Adolescent Development Flashcards
General Motor Skills:
3 mo
5 mo
6 mo
8 mo
9 mo
12 mo
15 mo
18 mo
2 yrs
3 yrs
4 yrs
General Motor Skills:
3 mo - neck holding
5 mo - rolls over
6 mo - tripod
8 mo - sitting without support
9 mo - standing with support
12 mo - creeps well, walks but falls, stands without support
15 mo - walks along, creeps upstairs
18 mo - runs and explores drawers
2 yrs - walks up and down stairs, jumps
3 yrs - rides tricycles, alternates feet when walking up
4 yrs - hops on one foot, alternates feet when walking down
Fine Motor Skills:
2 years: pencil grasp is very immature (holds with palm), ___ preference is obvious, ____ independently
3 years: grasps marker with ___, ___ and __ finger
4 years: they can pretty much ___ themselves (can do buttons, zippers, etc.)
5 years: wants to ___, ties their shoes, cuts well with scissors
Fine Motor Skills:
2 years: pencil grasp is very immature (holds with palm), hand preference is obvious, undressess indepentdently
3 years: grasps marker with thumb, middle and index finger
4 years: they can pretty much dress themselves
5 years: wants to write, tying their shoes, cuts well with scissors
Speech and language development schedule
By 6 months
vocalize by ___, ___ and ___.
Respond to voices without __ __
Important milestone not listed is that around ___ to ___ months babies begin to hold eye contact - pediatricians really pay attention to this; if they aren’t holding eye contact at this point, this is an early warning sign for autism
By age 1
able to say ___ or more words first words become apparent. Babies learn that when they utter a sound it draws their caregivers’ attention to them.
Able to understand ___ ___
Able to ___ to their name
By age 2
Have vocabulary of ___ words it’s important for parents to make sure their kids are correctly ___ words
Combine ___ simple word sentences
Follow __ step instructions
Have ___% of what they say understood
By age 3
Combine ___ or more word sentences
Improved ___
Have __ to ___% of what they say understood
Speech and language development schedule
By 6 months
vocalize by cooing, babbling and laughing.
Respond to voices without visual cues
Important milestone not listed is that around 2 to 3 months babies begin to hold eye contact - pediatricians really pay attention to this; if they aren’t holding eye contact at this point, this is an early warning sign for autism
By age 1
Able to say one or more words first words become apparent. Babies learn that when they utter a sound it draws their caregivers’ attention to them.
Able to understand simple instructions
Able to respond to their name
By age 2
Have vocabulary of 50 words it’s important for parents to make sure their kids are correctly pronouncing words
Combine 2 simple word sentences
Follow 1 step instructions
Have 50% of what they say understood
By age 3
Combine three or more word sentences
Improved comprehension
Have 75 to 90% of what they say understood
Erik Erikson Psychosocial Development
__ stages. (Focus on first four)
Infancy - 1 year
Neg. Outcome:
1 year - 2 years (Toddler)
Neg. Outcome:
2 years - 5 year (Preschooler)
Neg. Outcome:
5 years - puberty (Elementary School)
Neg. Outcome:
Erik Erikson Psychosocial Development
__ stages. (Focus on first four)
Infancy - 1 year
Crisis: Trust v. Mistrust
Virtue: Trust
Neg. Outcome: Mistrust, suspician
1 year - 2 years (Toddler)
Crisis: Autonomy v. Shame/Doubt
Virtue: Will
Neg. Outcome: Shame
2 years - 5 year (Preschooler)
Crisis: Initiative vs Guilt
Virtue: Purpose
Neg. Outcome: Guilt
5 years - 12 years (Elementary School)
Crisis: Competence v. Inferiority
Virtue: Competence
Neg. Outcome: Inferiority
12 years - 18 years (Teen)
Crisis: Identity vs. Role confusion
Virtue: Sense of self
Neg. Outcome: Role confusion
18 years- 40 (Young adult)
Crisis: Intimacy vs. Isolation
Virtue: Love
Neg. Outcome: Isolation
40 - 65 (Middle adulthood)
Crisis: Generativity vs. Stagnation
Virtue: Care
Neg. Outcome: Unproductiveness
65 - beyond (Late adulthood)
Crisis: Integrity vs Despair
Virtue: Wisdom
Neg. Outcome: Dissatisfaction
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
____ - birth to 2 yrs
The environment is experienced through the 5 senses
If you watch a baby play, they stick everything in their mouth - texture, temperature, taste, etc info
_____ - 2 yrs to 6 yrs
Illogical thinking, glass test (even though same amount of water, they will tell you the one in the taller glass has more), egocentric
Language development
Symbolic thought - important part of their play and understanding the world around them
___ - 7 yrs to 12 yrs
Logical but practical, will tell you that the amount of water is the same in the short stubby glass and the tall skinny glass. Can also do math
Linear thinking
____ - 12 yrs and on
Logic with multiple possibilities
Abstract thinking
Formal Operations - Abstract Thought, Meta-Cognition, More Future Oriented Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
Sensorimotor - birth to 2 yrs
Object permanence
The environment is experienced through the 5 senses
If you watch a baby play, they stick everything in their mouth - texture, temperature, taste, etc info
Pre-operational - 2 yrs to 6 yrs
Imagining things, pretend play, egocentric
Illogical thinking
Language development
Symbolic thought - important part of their play and understanding the world around them
Concrete Operational - 7 yrs to 12 yrs
Take two identical glasses, and ask which one has more? Then take one cup and poor it into a tall skinny glass. Children in CO stage will tell you that they are the same. This is different from pre-operational.
Logical but practical, mathematics
Linear thinking
Formal operational - 12 yrs and on
Can reason out why things occur.
Logic with multiple possibilities
Abstract thinking
___ matter begins to develop in adolescents
The brain continues to develop well beyond childhood. These images of the human brain show the loss of __ __ between the ages of __ and ___ (warmer colors indicate more cells, cooler colors indicate less).
Gray matter begins to develop in adolescents
The brain continues to develop well beyond childhood. These images of the human brain show the loss of brain cells between the ages of 5 and 20 (warmer colors indicate more cells, cooler colors indicate less).
Change in ratio of prefrontal ___ to ___ matter.
Increased _____ between _____ and other regions–Although can be slow and gradual, relative to subcortical regions
Increase in ____ activity–Risky with less than mature prefrontal region
Change in ratio of prefrontal gray to white matter.
Increased connectivity between _____ and other regions–Although can be slow and gradual, relative to subcortical regions
Increase in amygdala activity–Risky with less than mature prefrontal region
____ region contains areas such as the amygdala, which is responsible for ability to recognize and experience strong emotion.
____ regions typically in charge of executive function and ability to regulate behavior.
___ gap is the distance between these two lines in this graph. They are _____ apart during adolescence. They are able to experience ___ ___ without being able to regulate their ____ accordingly.
Subcortical region contains areas such as the amygdala, which is responsible for ability to recognize and experience strong emotion.
Prefrontal regions typically in charge of executive function and ability to regulate behavior.
Maturity gap is the distance between these two lines in this graph. They are furthest apart during adolescence. They are able to experience strong emotions without being able to regulate their behavior accordingly.
Red Circle is increased Amygdala activity in adolescents (as a population).
Data is from fMRI showing activation in amygdala to different stimuli. There is a tendency of ___ activation of the amygdala in adolescence.
Red Circle is increased Amygdala activity in adolescents (as a population).
Data is from fMRI showing activation in amygdala to different stimuli. There is a tendency of greater activation of the amygdala in adolescence.
Amygdala response to facial expressions of emotion was significantly ____ in adolescents than children or adults. Adapted from Hare et al. (2008), Biological Psychiatry. (B) Nucleus accumbens response to receiving a large monetary reward was significantly ____ in adolescents than in children or adults
The experience of success and reward is ____ adolescence. More tendency to respond to __ ___ and seek out __-___ goals
Decision making is poorer when surrounded by peers, according to Steinbeck.
Amygdala response to facial expressions of emotion was significantly increased in adolescents than children or adults. Adapted from Hare et al. (2008), Biological Psychiatry. (B) Nucleus accumbens response to receiving a large monetary reward was significantly increased in adolescents than in children or adults
The experience of success and reward is increased adolescence. More tendency to respond to positive emotion and seek out short-term goals
Decision making is poorer when surrounded by peers, according to Steinbeck.
Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity
Failure to habituate was associated with less functional connectivity between ___ ___ cortex (regulation of emotion) and amygdala. In teens, there is ____ connectivity, teens continue to perceive a ___ stimulus as ____
The connections between the prefrontal cortex and amygdala ___ as maturation goes on. You want _____ connectivity between these, otherwise our ___ would rule. Growing up is being able to put the breaks on the ___.
This experiment was performed by flashing an angry face during fMRI. First time there was a high reaction, second time less…etc. Habituation means a decreased response over time.
Take home message: Failure to habituate is related to ____ connections in PFC and amygdala.
Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity
Failure to habituate was associated with less functional connectivity between ventro prefrontal cortex (regulation of emotion) and amygdala. In teens, there is less connectivity, teens continue to perceive a nonthreatening stimulus as threatening
The connections between the prefrontal cortex and amygdala strengthen as maturation goes on. You want more connectivity between these, otherwise our emotions would rule. Growing up is being able to put the breaks on the amygdala
This experiment was performed by flashing an angry face during fMRI. First time there was a high reaction, second time less…etc. Habituation means a decreased response over time.
Take home message: Failure to habituate is related to decreased connections in PFC and amygdala.
Ages 12-15 = Peak ____ + Peak____ seeking → increased __ __
Ages 12-15 = Peak impulsivity + Peak reward seeking → increased risk taking
Three major changes throughout adolescence:
Change in ratio of __ ___ to ___ matter.
Increased _____ between prefrontal and other regions–Although can be slow and gradual, relative to ____ regions
Increase in _____ activity–Risky with less than mature ___ region
Three major changes throughout adolescence:
Change in ratio of prefrontal gray to white matter.
Increased connectivity between prefrontal and other regions–Although can be slow and gradual, relative to subcortical regions
Increase in dopaminergic activity–Risky with less than mature prefrontal region