Child Abuse and Neglect Flashcards
Child abuse and neglect occurs in all socio-economic _________ as well as in _________.
child care programs
Child abuse is more prevalent than you may think, and you may be the only person in a position to intervene. You have not only a _____obligation to intervene, but a ______ obligation to report it.
For more information about child abuse and neglect, you can call the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (1-800-500-1119) or the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence at 1-888-956-7273. You are a _________ reporter of child abuse.
mandated reporter
three children die of child abuse in the home in the united states each
how many people report child abuse when faced with an actual situation
what is the single, leading cause of death for children ages four or younger?
child abuse and neglect
on average, child abuse is reported somewhere in the US every
10 seconds
strangers pose the greatest risk of sexual abuse to children
child molesters get their sexual gratification only from children
the average age that child molesters first attack a child is when they (the attackers) are
in their teens
What are the three actions that can help stop child abuse and neglect?
- Helping a stressed out parents by babysitting, making a meal for their family or lending an understanding
- Learning the signs and symptoms of child abuse so you can recognize hem when you see the “red flags”
- reporting known or suspected child abuse to the police or local child protective services agency
any persons under the age of 18 years
child abuse
any non-accidental injury, sexual battery, or injury to the intellectual or psychological capacity of a child by the parent, adult household member, or other person responsible for the child’s welfare
physical abuse
the mistreatment of a child by a person responsible for the child’s welfare that results in injury or harm to the child
sexual abuse
sexual contract or interaction between a child and an adult or older child. Includes indecent exposure, fondling, touching sexual organs, forcible rape, sodomy, exploitation, and showing pornography
verbal abuse
a form of emotional abuses that involves excessive yelling, shaming, belittling, and/or teasing a child
institutional abuse or neglect
situations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect which occurs at the institution where the person allegedly perpetrating the child abuse or neglect is an employee of a private school, public of private child care center, residential home, institution, program, or agency or any other person at such institution responsible for the child’s care.
failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, or needed supervision
emotional neglect
failure to provide support, acceptance, attention, warmth, supervision and normal living experiences for a child to the extent that the child is impaired in ability to function normally in performance and behavior
anything to a child’s health or welfare that can occur when any person:
a) inflicts or allows to be inflicted upon the child physical, emotional, or mental injury
b) commits or allows to be committed sexual battery or lewd of lascivious acts against a child
c) allows, encourages or forces the sexual exploitation of a child
d) exploits a child or allows a child to be exploited
e) abandons a child
f) neglects a child
g) exposes a child to a controlled substance or alcohol
h) uses mechanical devices, unreasonable restraints, or extended periods of isolation to a control a child
i) engages in violent behavior that demonstrates a wanton disregard for the presence of a child and could reasonably result in serious injury to the child
j) negligently fails to protect a child in his or her care from inflicted physical, mental, or sexual injury caused by the act of another
k) has allowed a child’s sibling to die as a result of abuse, abandonment, or neglect
inadequate supervision
when a child in left alone in a situation beyond their physical and emotional development level or when a child is left in the care of someone who does not provide adequate supervision
lack of adequate shelter
when the child is exposed to structurally unsafe housing, exposed wiring, inadequate or unsafe heating, or unsanitary housing conditions
lack of adequate clothing/good hygiene
when a child suffers or is likely to suffer from physical or emotional health conditions resulting from inadequate clothing, improper hygiene and uncleanness
lack of adequate nutrition
when the caretaker has regularly failed to provide or have available adequate food to the child, which can cause malnutrition over a long period of time
lack of dental/medical care
when a medical or dental condition is left untreated, possibly resulting in serious or long term harm to the child
lack of love and attention (failure to thrive)
when the parents deny satisfying or fulfilling relationships, thus avoiding most interactions as a method of avoiding rejection and failure. The lack of support or emotional care or love can cause the infant and/or child’s weight to fall below the fifth percentile range
lack of providing access to education
when education is not enforced by the parents, thereby contributing to the child’s absence from school - leading to the lack of education and leading to truancy
florida abuse hotline
operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
toll free phone number 1-800-962-2873
exemption from civil or criminal charges resulting from reporting “in good faith”
examples of physical abuse
violence hitting to hurt bruising burns pulling hair scalding water
examples of sexual child abuse
pictures of naked child special secrets talking about it inappropriate touching tends to lie use of dolls and how they are played with oral: stretched lips and swollen mouth
examples of emotional abuse
stops talking inverted personality clinging worthless, unloved, unwanted terrorizing a child domestic violence demeaning or ridiculing a child not allowing to have friends name calling (negative) withholding food or bathroom privileges
failure to thrive
can be an outcome of emotional abuse or lack of emotional care (holding, rocking, singing, touching, and loving) that occurs during infancy and early childhood. This can cause an infant or child’s weight to drop below the fifth percentile.
what can shaking a baby or young child cause?
brain damage mental retardation blindness death hearing loss
what can you do to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome?
don’t toss in air
don’t shake
don’t bounce on knee
help stressed parents
how can you cope with a crying baby or child?
rock them hold them make sure nothing is poking them check diaper feed them ask for help sing of play soft calming music
examples of neglect
- left alone
- in an unsafe place
- lack of attention
- no food or shelter
- no protection from hazards
Failure to provide____________ for a child is considered neglect. Withholding these things can cause a child to not function normally in performance and behavior. Sometimes withholding things can also be child abuse.
- support
- acceptance
- attention
- warmth
- supervision
- normal living experiences
The difference between abuse and neglect is that i an adult ________ withholds food, shelter, or any other necessity as a punishment, then it is abuse, but if things are without by circumstance or lack of ________, care, or education, then it is an act of neglect.
Both ____ and ___ are crimes and violations of children’s human rights. It is important for you program to offer parents information on resources in your community in an effort to prevent neglect before it occurs. Be proactive-work with your families from the first day the enter your program.
abuse and neglect
physical indicators of physical abuse
- unexplained bruises or welts
- unexplained burns
- unexplained broken bones
- unexplained lacerations or abrasions
- domestic violence
behavioral indicators of physical abuse
- wary of adult contact
- apprehensive when other children cry
- behavioral extremes: aggressive or withdrawn
- frightened of parents
- afraid to go home
- reports injury by parents
- shows anxiety about normal activities
- easily startled
- wearing long sleeps in warm weather
- banging, hitting or threatening play
physical indicators of neglect
- consistent hunger, poor hygiene, inappropriate dress
- consistent lack of supervision, especially in dangerous activities over long periods of time
- unattended physical problems or medical needs ( anemia, urinary infections, diarrhea, malnutrition)
- abandonment
behavioral indicators of neglect
- begging, stealing food
- extended stays at school (early arrival, late departure)
- consistent fatigue, listlessness or falling asleep in class
- alcohol or drug abuse
- delinquency (thefts)
- states there is no caregiver
physical indicators of emotional abuse or neglect
- speech and language disorders
- lags in physical development
- failure to thrive
behavioral indicators of emotional abuse or neglect
- habit disorders (sucking, biting, rocking)
- conduct disorders (antisocial destructive)
- neurotic traits (sleep disorders, inhibition of play)
- psychoneurotic reactions (hysteria, obsession, compulsion, phobias)
- behavior extremes (compliant/passive, aggressive/demanding)
- overly adaptive behavior {(inappropriate adult, inappropriate infant)
- developmental lags (mental, emotional)
- self destructive behavior or attempted suicide
physical indicators of sexual abuse
- difficulty in walking/sitting
- torn, shredded, stained or bloody underclothing
- pain or itching in genital area
- pain or itching in genital area
- bruises or bleeding in external genitalia, vaginal or anal areas, mouth or throat
behavioral indicators of sexual abuse
- withdrawal, fantasy, or infantile behavior
- bizarre, sophisticated or unusual sexual behavior or knowledge
- poor peer relationships
- delinquency or runaway
- reports sexual assault by caregiver
child risk factors of abuse and neglect
- premature
- mental or physical disability
- health problems
- agressive behavior
- undesirable attribute or personality
- deformed child
parental/family risk factors of abuse and neglect
- personality problems -neglect, no trust low tolerance
- controlling parent
- childhood abuse to parent
- family structure - single parent- living situation
- lack of support
- abuse of alcohol/drugs
- age - too young/old
- financial
- lack of parenting skills
social/environmental risk factors of abuse and neglect
- stressful - hurricane
- low economy
- homeless
- no access to care
- live in violent or dangerous neighborhood
- cultural
child molesters are dirty old men
In a recent study of convicted child molesters, 80% were found to have committed their first offense before the age of 30.
Children are the most likely to be sexually assaulted by a stranger
75-95 % of offenders are known by and may be related to the child
the molester is retarded
There are no differences between the convicted child molester’s abilities and that of most of the general public.
The child molester is an alcoholic or drug addict.
Drug use is essentially nonexistent with child molesters except to break down the child’s inhibitions.
The child molester is a sexually frustrated person
50 % of child molesters are married. Sexuality is not the only issue in pedophilia; identification, expression problems and the need for power and control are also issues.
The child molester is insane.
95% are not psychotic.
The child molester, over time, will progress to increasingly violent acts.
Only about 18% of child molesters show an increase in force used. 9% committed violent sexual assaults, 1% of those resulting in death
Children are at greater risk of sexual victimization from “gays” than from straight adults.
51% of men selected female children
21% selected both sexes
Females victimized 2-1
83% of child molesters are heterosexuals
Child molesters work in groups
95% of child molesters act alone
Child molesters prefer very young children
14% select children 5 years or younger
46% select children between 6-11 age group
33% select young adults
7% choose various ages
Child molesters commit other crimes
Approximately 50% of convicted child molesters have no other criminal record
Children lie or fantasize about sexual activities with adults.
In developmental terms, young children cannot make up explicit sexual information; they must be exposed to it. They speak from their own experiences. Sometimes a parent will try to get a child to report sexual abuse falsely. Primary indicators of such a report are the child’s inability to describe explicitly or illustrate the act, of a grossly inconsistent account.
The sexual abuse of a child is an isolated, one-time incident.
Child sexual abuse is usually a situation that develops gradually over a period of time and the sexual abuse occurs repeatedly.
Nonviolent sexual behavior between a child and adult and emotionally damaging to the child.
Although child sexual abuse may involve subtle rather than extreme force, nearly all victims will experience confusion, shame, guilt, anger and lowered sense of self-esteem, though they may reveal no obvious outward signs.
Children provoke sexual abuse by their seductive behavior.
Seductive behavior may be the result but is never the cause of sexual abuse. The responsibility lies with the adult offender.
If children do not want sex, they could say “stop”
children generally do not question the behavior of adults. They are often coerced by bribes, threats, and use of authority.
When a boy is sexually abused, the molesting is perpetrated by male homosexuals.
Most child sexual abuse is perpetrated by men who are heterosexual and do not find sex with other men at all attractive. Many child molesters abuse both boys and girls.
males who were sexually abused as boys all grow up to abuse children sexually
Only portions of abused boys go on to abuse children.
the effects of child abuse and neglect can be serious and permanently affect children’s ______,_______,__________ development
recent scientific studies of the brain reveal that the first years of a child’s life are critical to development. A child must receive adequate _________ to ensure that nerve cells in the brain develop fully.
Negative experiences, like _____ or _____ are extremely detrimental in early years. The effects of abuse can begin even before the mother gives birth.
Experiences throughout childhood can impair mental abilities that may cause a child to respond with _____ and _____ to stressful or frustrating situations.
Academic problems caused by child abuse or neglect
behavior problems caused by child abuse or neglect
aggressive or withdrawn
self destructive
sexual problems caused by child abuse or neglect
sexually inappropriate behavior
confusion about identity caused by child abuse or neglect
poor self image
not worthy
no trust
medical/dental problems caused by child abuse or neglect
chronic pain
stress disorders
fertility problems (sexually abused)
physical and emotional effects of child abuse and neglect on family:
- mistrust: family isolates itself
- ineffective: problems get bigger
- violent
- non-supportive
- dysfunctional
- poor role model
physical and emotional effects of child abuse and neglect on caregivers
- challenging to deal with disruptive behavior in children
- not trained to deal with psychological issues
- it is heartbreaking to worry about the children you know
- stress reactions
- confusion/apprehension about what to do
- fear of reporting
physical and emotional effects of child abuse and neglect on society
- poor employability skills
- poor social interaction skills
- social withdrawal (leading to isolation)
- repeated patterns of abuse/neglect
- culture continues to accept violence as part of life
- higher medical and social service costs
- lost human potential
- increased crime rate
Children who have been abused may not ______other people. Their experiences have shown them that getting close to people and trusting them causes discomfort and pain.
Children who have been abused need a close one-to-one relationship to develop and grow normally. They often _______ warmth, hugs, and affection at first.
Children who have been abused may be _____in one or more areas of their development (motor, speech, and behavior).
Children who have been abused may behave in one of ______ extremes: difficult to manage, destructive, and irritable, or unusually shy and anxious to please.
Abused and neglected children have very poor ___________. Important adults in their lives have had unrealistic expectations for these children, and they often are led to believe they have caused their own abuse.
self images
________of abused children may feel that you are a threat. They may be hostile and ungrateful toward you since they feel jealous, in competition, inadequate, or afraid you will learn their secrets and report them.
number for the Florida Abuse Hotline and the Florida statue os operated under
the three ways to make a child abuse report
TDD (telephone device for the deaf)