Chichewa Noun Classes Flashcards
Mu / A -
A / A
This class is Generally for people & some animals. However there are exceptions. The singular will often begin with m, mu or mw and is always changed to an A in the plural. With people the noun is often put in the plural to show respect.
Mu / Mi
U / I
The nouns in this class also generally start with m, mu or mw in the singular. They are always changed to Mi in the plural.
Chi / Zi
Chi / Zi
Almost all nouns start with CHI in the singular are in this class. There are very few exceptions. The plural is changed to Zi.
I / Zi
I / Zi
Many nouns in this class start with n, mb, n’g. Note: in this class the plural does not change.
Li / Ma
Li / A
Nouns in this class begin with a variety of letters. You always add a MA for the plural.
U / Ma
U / A
The nouns in this class always begin with U. Adding MA makes the plural of the noun.
English words in a class
Can be confusing. Often in a mixed class. Sometimes singular in the I / Zi class and plural in the Li/ Ma class