CHF Flashcards
Systolic Heart Failure
Ventricles cant generate enough SV- decreases CO, and Drop-in BP
SV inverse to Afterload- decrease Diastolic pressure
Decrease EF
Flappy, Dilated and Compliant myocardium
Decrease in Contractility in SHF
MI- Anterior/Lateral
Dilated CardioMyopathy - (Flappy Heart)
Increase in Preload with Decrease Contractility SHF
Mitral and Aortic Regurgitation
Other SHF conditions
Tachyarrythmias and Bradyarrythmias
Diastolic Heart Failure
EF maybe normal (preserved)- decreased filling/preload and increase in Afterload
Stiff, Fibrotic, Non-compliant myocardium
Decrease PReload DHF
Restrictive CM,
Constrictive Pericarditis
Increased Afterload
Aortic stenosis,
Coarctation of Aorta (Narrowing of aorta)
Hypertrophic Constrictive Cardiomyopathy- Congenital (Thick myocardium)
What leads to RHF
Increase Afterload RHF
Pulmonary stenosis
Pulmonary hypertension
Pul. Embol
Cor. Pulmonale- COPD V/Q= <0.8
Increase in Preload RHF
Tricuspid and Pumonary Regurg (Not common)- common in IV drug users- Staph infection-infection of valves
Decrease in contractility
Inferior MI, Myocarditis
High Output HF is due to
underlying CVD
Symptoms of HOHF
Severe Anemia (hypoxia) Wet Beri-Beri (Thiamine deficiency- Alcoholics, CN6 palsy, Deficiency of PDH) Thyrotoxicosis Pregnancy (Volume overload) AV Fistula (hemodialysis complication)
Lactic acid accumulation in Myocardium
Vasodilation causes AV shunting (Fast shifting of blood from Atria to ventricle)
Receptors in Carotid sinus for BP
Detects low CO
receptors- LBP- Medulla- CArd. Acc Center- SNS- Increases Contractility (B1 receptors) inc. SV, HR
SNS effects
Sends fibers to Venous and arterial system- release epi. (a1 receptors)- Constricts Arterial Smooth muscle- Inc TPR= Increase BP
Constriction of V Smooth Muslce- Inc Venous return = Inc Preload = Inc SV=
Inc. CO = Inc- BP
a1 receptor in kidney = dec. GFR= inc Fluid retention= Inc Preload = Inc SV -= Inc CO = Inc BP
JG cells- b1 recep- inc. Renin= ACE in lungs (with angiotensinogen in Liver)= AT 2
Beta blockers helpful
Functions of AT2
Stim Post pituitary= ADH prod = Water retention= inc. BV = Inc Preload = Inc. SV= Inc Co= Inc BP
Vasoconstriction of arterioles= Inc TPR = Inc BP
Adrenal Gland (Zona G)- Secretes Aldosterone= Increase Na reabsorption in DCT and H20 Reabsorption= Inc BV = Inc Preload = Inc. SV= Inc Co= Inc BP
ACE inhibtors helpful
CHF symptoms
Pulmonary veins have a lot of blood- Inc pressure in Pulmonary veins= Leaking fluids- Pulmonary Edema (inc pressure in P. capillaries)= Hypoxemia
Symptoms of hypoxemia
Cough (Dry)
Orthopnea (difficulty breathing when lying flat)
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea- (Difficulty breathing)
Crackles in lungs (Rales) inspiration
Accumulating of Blood in Sup. Vena Cava
Inc Internal Jug Vein Pressure= Jug Vein Distention
Accumulation of blood into inf Vena Cava
inc Pressure due to pressure on liver, Decrease perfusion of Liver
Hepato-jug Reflex
> /= 3cm Inc in JVD
increased pressure in the liver and spleen due to accumulation causes
hepato-spleno-megaly and ascites