Chest Pain Flashcards
Radiation to back; unequal BP between arms
Aortic dissection
Chest wall tenderness
Chest pain worse with lying flat, better when sitting up; young pt < 40
Epigastric discomfort; pain better with eating
Duodenal ulcer disease
Bad taste, cough, hoarseness
Cough, sputum, hemoptysis
Sudden-onset SOB, tachycardia, hypoxia
Pulmonary embolus
Sharp, pleuritic pain; tracheal deviation
What is the best initial test for chest pain?
When do you take cardiac enzymes?
In the ED, after doing an EKG, for acute chest pain.
Never do cardiac enzymes in an office/ambulatory setting or when the chest pain is chronic or stable.
What is the most accurate test for costochondritis?
Physical examination
What is the most accurate test for aortic dissection?
Chest x-ray with widened mediastinum, chest CT, MRI, or TEE confirms the diagnosis
What is the most accurate test for pericarditis?
EKG with ST elevation everywhere and PR depression
What is the most accurate test for pneumonia?
Chest x-ray
What is the most accurate test for pulmonary embolus?
Spiral CT; V/Q scan