Chest Imaging Flashcards
Mediastinal shift away from affected side suggests a _____ pneumothorax.
Why is free air inside the chest cavity a problem?
Chest cavity is normally under vacuum. Air increases pressure and cuts off venous return of blood to the heart.
Type of pneumothorax that occurs in hospitals after a lung biopsy.
Type of pneumothorax caused by rib fx, stab wound, bullet wound.
Type of pneumothorax that has no known cause.
Best X-ray view to see pleural effusion
Lateral decubitus
An effusion containing pus
Empyema or pyrothorax
An effusion containing blood
An effusion containing little or no proteins or solids
An effusion containing cells, proteins, or solids
Blunting of the costophrenic angle is a sign of ______.
Pleural effusion
Calcified aortic arch may present on X-ray (PA chest) as _____
Thumbnail sign
Cardiomegally is indicated when the heart is > _______% of the cardio-thoracic ratio on PA view.
Reed-Sternberg cells indicate _______
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Lung field S-shape caused by edge of elevated minor fissure and hilar mass in RUL atelactasis is ________.
Golden’s S shape
Lung cancer in apices is ________
Pancost tumor
A large uncalcified peripheral mass in the lung is ______
Large cell or giant cell cancer
Most aggressive lung cancer. Classic at hilar or mediastinum. Worst prognosis.
Oat cell cancer
AKA for Oat cell cancer
Small cell cancer
MC carcinoma at central region of lung. Can present as thick wall cavity.
Squamous cell
Most common type of lung cancer in non smokers.
MC location of lung adenomocarcinomas
MC cause of cancer deaths.
Pulmonary carcinomas
Pathognomonic of cavitation in lungs
Fluid levels
Lung field with popcorn ball nodules is probably an indication of _____.
B9 lesion
Difference between a nodule and a mass
Mass > 3 cm, nodule < 3 cm
Type of atelactasis caused by contraction of organizing scar
MC type of atelactasis
Focal pleural plaques adjacent to ribs suggest ______.
Eggshell hilar lymph node calcification and millary pattern of lung suggests ________.
Loss of lung volume due to incomplete fillingq of air spaces in part or entire lung.
Organism responsible for nosocomial infection leading to pneumonia
Staph klebsiella
Exposure of recirculated air causes _______ pneumonia from Legionella.
Organism responsible for walking pneumonia
Aka for walking pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia
Organism that causes pneumonia in AIDS patients
Pneumocystis carinii
MC type of pneumonia in children
Transverse, non branching linear densities extending all the way to the chest wall.
Kerely B lines
Anthracosis is caused from inhalation of _____ dust.
Silicosis is caused from xs inhalation of _____
Prolonged inhalation of iron oxides may cause _________.
Chronic inhalation of moldy hay may cause ________
Farmer’s lung
Prolonged exposure to bird droppings may cause
Bird breeders lung
Prolonged exposure to sugar cane dust may cause _______.
General term for disease associated with prolong inhalation of dusts.
A bilateral multitude of small, 1-3 mm, discrete pulmonary nodules is probably _____
Millary TB
AKA for secondary TB
Reactivation TB
MC location of secondary TB
Apices of the lung
Name of the test used for hypersensitivity of TB antigens
PPD, purified protein derivative
Calcified hilar nodes and Ghon focus
Ranke complex
Ranke complex is related to which disease
Post primary TB
Ghon lesion is related to which disease
Primary TB
Boeck’s disease AKA
Potato nodes are seen in which disease
Sarcoidosis! Stage 1
What stage of sarcoidosis is the honeycomb pattern found?
Stage 3, end stage
The 1, 2, 3 sign is seen in which disease
Stage 1 sarcoidosis
Location of carina
Bifurcation of trachea
Everything in the chest but the lungs and pleurae is known as ______
Two substances of the same density touch each other and blur the edges between them is known as ________
The silhouette sign
MC fissure seen in chest X-ray
Azygous fissure
Which hemidiaphragm is higher?
Calcified hilar nodes and Ghon focus
Ranke complex
Ranke complex is related to which disease
Post primary TB
Ranke complex is related to which disease
Post primary TB
Calcified hilar nodes and Ghon focus
Ranke complex
Ranke complex is related to which disease
Post primary TB
Ghon lesion is related to which disease
Primary TB
The 1, 2, 3 sign is seen in which disease
Stage 1 sarcoidosis
Location of carina
Bifurcation of trachea
Location of carina
Bifurcation of trachea
Two substances of the same density touch each other and blur the edges between them is known as ________
The silhouette sign
The spine is part of which part of the mediastinum
The spine is part of which part of the mediastinum