Chemotherapy V Miscellaneous Agents Flashcards
What is the main target of targeted cancer therapy?
Tyrosine Kinases
Imatinib Mesylate Target
Bcr-Abl fusion protein
What is imatinib mesylate most often used to treat?
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Cetuximab MOA
Ab that inhibits the EGFR which is over expressed in some types of cancer
Cetuximab Target
EGFR receptors
Cetuxumab Indications
- Lung cancer and head and neck cancer
- Colorectal cancer
Erlotinib Target
Tyrosine kinase domain associated with EGFR
Erlotinib MOA
Inhibition of tyrosine kinase associated with EGFR leading to inhibition of critical cell signaling pathways
Bevacizumab MOA
The monoclonal antibody binds to VEGF ligand and presumably decreases the growth of primary cancers and metastatic cancers due to impaired vasculature formation in the tumor.
Transtuzumab MOA
Binds and inhibits extracellular domain of the EGFR, her-2/neu
Asparaginase MOA
Hydrolyzes L-asparagine leading to inhibition of protein synthesis
Hydroxyurea MOA
Inhibits ribonucelotide reductase leading to inhibition of DNA synthesis
All trans retinoid acid (tretinoin) MOA
Induces terminal differentiation of the leukemia cells
Arsenic Trioxide Indications
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Arsenic Trioxide MOA
Allows myeloid differentiation to continue and apoptosis to occur
Besides CML what else can imatinib be used to treat?
GI Stromal Tumors with cKIT mutations
What mutations will prevent response to cetuximab?
What ion can be low from cetuximab therapy?
Erlotinib SE
- Rash
- GI symptoms
- Fatigue
What is erlotinib effective at treating?
Patients with EGFR activating mutations that lead to lung cancers - ex: adenocarcinoma of lung - often in women non-smokers
Sorafenib/Pazopanib/Sunitinib MOA
VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Sorafenib/Pazopanib/Sunitinib Indications
Renal Cell Cancer
What is the main serious SE of Transtuzumab?
Cardiac toxicity that is not dose dependent and is reversible
Over expression of what indicates good trastuzumab response?
Her2/neu overexpression
Vemurafenib MOA
BRAF inhibitor
Vemurafenib Indications
Melanoma with BRAF activating mutation