Chemistry Chapter 17 Flashcards
The number “23” in the picture below, is sodium’s __________.

Mass number

True or False?
Each atomic symbol (element symbol) has one and only one capital letter.

Reverse Card
The charge of a neutron.
Period trend
The gradual change of any property in the elements across a period in the periodic table.

Elements in purple on the right

Noble gases
Reverse Card
The charge of a proton.
Reverse Card
Two atoms with the same atomic number, but different atomic masses.
ALL atoms of iron have EXACTLY 26 protons. Some atoms of iron, however, have 29 neutrons, while others have 30 neutrons.
We would call these two different versions of the iron atom ______________.

What is the charge of a proton?
Relative Atomic Mass
An average of all the different atomic masses of all the atoms of a chemical element.
(Remember, a chemical element can have isotopes that have different masses)
Many periodic tables use the term “Atomic Weight” for Relative Atomic Mass.
This is called?

The periodic table
Which particle makes almost no contribution to the total mass of an atom?
(That is why it is usually ignored when figuring out the mass of an atom.)
What do we call the family of elements in dark blue?
Alkali metals
What subatomic particle is found in the areas around and outside the nucleus?

What do we call the elements in the two special rows at the bottom?

Inner transition metals.

atomic nucleus
The center part of an atom with the protons and neutrons.
By the way, the nucleus pictured here is WAY, WAY, WAY, bigger than would be proportional. In a real atom, the diameter of the nucleus is less than 1/1000 of the diameter of the whole atom.

Atomic Number
The number of protons an atom has.

Reverse Card
A chart in which the elements are organized by their properties and behaviors.

Periodic table
What do we call the elements in red?
Alkaline-earth metals
True or false?
Relative Atomic Mass is an average
(and the relative atomic mass of Lithium is 6.941)

Reverse Card
What metallic property is shown in the image below?
(notice the shinyness)

metallic luster
An element that is shiny, opaque, and conducts both electricity and thermal energy.
(opaque means you can’t see through it at all)

Reverse Card
mass number
The total number of protons plus neutrons in an atom.
Below are three _______________
of carbon.

(Two isotopes of an element differ only in the number of neutrons)
What do we call the elements in the middle of the main table, in light yellow?
Transition metals.

Reverse Card
A fundamental material consisting of only one kind of atom.
What does the 22.99 number below tell you?

Relative atomic mass
Reverse Card
The letters on the periodic table that stand for each atom.

Atomic symbol
Common name for elements in orange on the right.

Noble gases
A name for a particle in the nucleus.
A nucleon is either a proton or a neutron.

(Here is an artists idea of what a nucleus might look like.)
metallic luster is another way to say __________.

When written in the format shown below, what does the number 4 represent?

The mass number for Helium.

Periodic table
A chart in which the elements are organized by their properties and behaviors.

What is the common name for the elements in dark blue in column 17?

Two atoms with the same atomic number, but different atomic masses.
(This means they have the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons)
I put a nice example below.

In the picture below, the 85.4678 is the _________________.

relative atomic mass
A vertical column on the periodic table

What are the elements in the green called?

(They are pretty much on the border between metals and non-metals)

The number “6” in the picture below, is carbon’s __________.

Atomic number

Elements contain a ____________ kind of atom.
(For example, the element oxygen only oxygen atoms, nothing else)
A fundamental material consisting of only one kind of atom.
What is the charge of a neutron?
(think _neut_ral _neut_ron)
What is the charge on a single electron
True or False?
“Mass number” is an average
(mass number is the number of nucleons, each of which has a mass of 1)

A horizontal row in the periodic table is called a ____________.

Which number below is an average?

(This is a “weighted average” of all the different isotopes of the noble gas Xenon)
Mass number - _______________ = number of neutrons.
Atomic number

What does the “2” below stand for?

The atomic number

Reverse Card
An element that has some of the properties of metals and some of the properties of non-metals.
Another name for a group in the periodic table.
A Family
Atoms are mostly _____________ ______________.
Empty Space
If we imagine the atom’s nucleus to be the size of a bean, the atom itself will become the size of a stadium, and the electrons will be like tiny fleas whizzing frantically somewhere around the stands. We are, in fact, mostly composed of vacuum, and the proportion of vacuum to matter is dictated by the electrons’ mass.

An element that has some of the properties of metals and some of the properties of non-metals.

What number on the periodic table will tell you exactly how many protons an atom has?
atomic number
(This is the big fat number over top of the atomic symbol)

Atomic Mass
The mass of a single atom.
Think vertical
The different colors below show _________, also known as _____________?

groups also known as families

The “2” below is the _______________?

Atomic Number

What word do we use to describe a substance that you can pound flat with a hammer?

(Think mallet, like a hammer)
(Metals are malleable)
(Glass is not malleable)
Which has more mass, a proton or an electron?
A proton
(A proton has almost 2000 times the mass of an electron)
Atomic symbol
The letters on the periodic table that stand for each atom.

In the diagram below, the “42” is the

Atomic number
(Notice how they keep using atomic mass instead of relative atomic mass? Get used to it….)

The number “12.011” below, is carbon’s __________.

Relative atomic mass
(They don’t use “Atomic Weight too much anymore)

What are the subatomic particles that can be found in the nucleus
protons and neutrons

The total number of protons plus neutrons in an atom.
mass number
(each proton has a mass of 1 and each neutron has a mass of 1)
Which particle makes no contribution to the electrical charge of an atom?
(It is neutrally charged)
Reverse Card
Where on the periodic table are the Alkali metals
Group 1 in the blue
What do the “Na” and the “Li” in the pictures below represent?

Atomic Symbols
The most common element in the universe, by far, is:

The elements in the upper right area of the periodic table. They typically do not conduct electricty or thermal energy. They tend to be dull in color if solid, and are often gasses.

Look at the chemical equation below. How many molecules of methane (CH4) are shown?
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

How many carbon atoms are represented below?

(There is one carbon atom in one molecule of methane. The carbon atom is the black atom in the center)

How many oxygen atoms are represented below?

(Count the 4 red atoms in the two oxygen molecules)

How many carbon atoms are represented below?

(Its the black one in the middle)

How many water molecules are represented below?

2 water molecules

How many atoms, total, are represented below?

(count ‘em)

How many atoms, total, are represented below?

(count ‘em)

How would you represent the molecule below in a chemical equation?

(Hint: The black one in the middle is carbon, the other ones are hydrogen)

How would you represent what is below in a chemical equation?

How would you represent what is below in a chemical equation?

How would you represent what is below in a chemical equation?

(Hint: The black on is carbon, the red is oxygen)

How would you represent what is below in a chemical equation?

(Black = Carbon, Red = Oxygen, Gray = Hydrogen)
CO2 + 2H2O
How would you represent what is below in a chemical equation?

CH4 + 202
Another name for an electron in an atoms outermost shell.
Valance electron
Valance electron
Another name for an electron in an atoms outermost shell.
The elements on the periodic table are put in order according to a certain number associated with each atom. What is that number called?
A) Mass Number
B) Atomic Number
C) Atomic Mass
D) Atomic Weight
E) None of these, the table is organized alphabetically.
B) Atomic number
(That is the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom)
What is the electron configuration of an atom of sodium

(2+8+1 = 11)
2 electons first shell
8 electrons second shell
1 electron third shell
What is the electron configuration of an atom of Silicon?

( 2+8+4 = 14 )
2 electrons first shell
8 electrons secons shell
4 electrons third shell
( 2+8+1 = 11 Think atomic number! )
2 electons first shell
8 electrons second shell
1 electron third shell
What is the electron configuration of an atom of sodium

( 2+8+4 = 14 Think atomic number! )
2 electrons first shell
8 electrons secons shell
4 electrons third shell
What is the electron configuration of an atom of Silicon?

What do we call the following way to represent an atom?

Isotope Symbol

How many neutrons in this isotope of Argon?

(mass number - atomic number = 22)
Use the periodic table to figure out how many neutrons are in the following isotope of Carbon.

(By the way, don’t memorize this one, figure out how it works. You also need to know that when it is written this way, the 14 is the mass number.)
What is another way to say:
First electron shell
Second electron shell
Third electron shell
First principal energy level
Second principal energy level
Third principle energy level

We often number the electron shells like this:
1st electron shell
2nd electron shell
3rd electron shell
4th electron shell
5th electron shell
6th electron shell
7th electron shell
We could also “letter” each shell with what letters?
K - shell
L - shell
M - shell
N -shell
O - shell
P - shell
Q - shell
(Why they started with “K”, I don’t know. Perhaps they thought this was the Klosest shell to the nucleus??)

Atomic number
Mass number
Atomic mass
Which of the above will always be a whole number. (1,2,3,4,5,etc…..)
Atomic number and mass number are always whole numbers. (It does say “number” doesn’t it)
(Atomic mass is an average and will usually be a decimal)
What is the name of the set of elements highlighted in yellow on this periodic table.

Representative Elements

What category of elements are shown in red?

Representative Elements

What category of elements are shown in yellow?

Transition Metals

What category of elements is shown in green.

Inner transition metals
(aka rare earth elements)

Which group of elements on the periodic table pretty much won’t combine or react with anything?
The noble gases.

Most of the actual size of an atom is really the space taken up by the ____________


In this picture you can see the electrons in blue. The nucleus here is actually shown WAY larger than it really should be.
What are these vertical posts called?

Columns in the periodic table go up and down.
Rows in the periodic table go across.

There are eight soccer players sitting in the first ROW. Does a row go horizontally across or vertically up and down.

A row goes horizontally across.