chemistry Flashcards
importance of alchemy
introduced processes, hardware and concepts
- susbtances and transformation
deficiencies: semi-mystical and non-quantitative, no theories or explanations
paracelsus: 1493-1541
Phillippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
- rejected academia and travelled
- worked with trithemius in mines to learn about metals
- no medical degree but became physician with simple medicines
- taught at university of basel but burned works of galen & avicenna
philosophy & approach to medicine
ignore authority other than hippocrates
medicine should focus on function not form
“dead anatomy”
life is chemical process: iatrocheistry
illness is result of defects in body chemistry
body has mystical internal alchemist controlling its function
choice of drugs
partly based on astrology: planets, metals, body
partly doctrine of signatures
paracelsus therapies
treated wounds by keeping clean and letting heal
first treated syphillis with mercury
metals for various complaints
laudanium and sweet vitriol
balance sheet
thought like a chemist: pure starting materials
biochemist: life is a chemical process
mystic: astrology/doctrine of sig
jan baptista van helmont: 1579-1644
flemish mystic, physician and cheminst inspired by paracelsus and subscribed to iatrochemistry
- conservation of matter in chemical reactions
- believed everything is made of water: willow tree
quantitative, charcoal experiment
fermentation: van helmont
believed food use by animals, alcoholic fermentation and burning of wood are all same
- unity of living and non-living processes
franciscus sylvius
- proposed there is no archeus, no mystical alchemical being
chemistry of living is same as non-living - thought digestion needs both acids and alkalis
- invented medicine for kidney ailments: gin
rene antoine ferchault reamur: 1683-1757
wondered if digestion was physical or chemical process
- partial digestion in exposure of chemicals without being ground
phlogiston theory
principle of combustion in 18th century combustion theory
- why does air in enclosed space support combustion at first but not later?
how does phlogeston theory work
combustion is release of wood into air
- ash and phlogiston go into air
- combustion is deliberation of something that is already in wood
stops because air gets filled
Johann becher (1635- 1681)
originator of phologiston concept
- thought wood = ash + terra pinguis which is released
George ernst stahl: 1660-1742
modified concept of terra pinguis and renamed phlogiston
- flame is heated air caused by rush of phlogiston out of material
- rust = same thing but slower so no flame