ancient history pt 4 Flashcards
Library of Alexandria
possessed 700,000 scrolls at the time of Cleopatra
- 1 scroll = 50 printed pages
- 40,000 works
Museum of Alexandria
more similar to a university
- contained research labs, dissection rooms, observatory, a zoo, lecture halls and a botanical garden
history of human anatomy at Alexandria
Herophilius and Erasistratus were physciians at Alexandria
- performed human dissections and were accused of vivisections
Alexandria human anatomy
- blood synthesized from food and distributed in veins
- pneuma replenished with respiration and caried by arteries to brain then converted. to animal spirits and carried to the muscles to cause movement
the beating of the heart transmits pulsations to the arteries: both veins and arteries carry blood
arteries have blood only when it seeps from the tissue into the arteries pathologically
- illness when blood seeps into tissues inappropriately and blocks pneuma
pliny the Elder
wrote a 37 volume encyclopedia from ancient authors: a race of people 7 feet tall who never get headaches, unicorns, rains of milk/blood/flesh
wrote a large encyclopedia: only the medicine survived
- believed surgeon should assist nature
- de medicina is one of the first medical books to be printed
Galen of Pergamon
greek influential medical writer
- surgeon to gladitorial school at pergamon
- favored by Emporer Marcus Aurelius
- unpopular with other physicians
Galens philosophy
deep religious sense- believed in god but not christian
- teleological view of human body
- ethical practice of medicine
how did galen study anatomy
from Alexandrian anatomists: herophiulus and Erasistratus
- dissected animals
- inspected traumatic wounds as a gladitorial physician
- examined bones from destroyed tombs
galens biological insights
voice controlled by laryn geal nerve leading to brain - brain is center of thought arteries contain blood not air - isolated arteries kidney makes urine gut peristalsis spinal cord paralysis
Galens circulation system
veins: food
arteries: pneuma
connect through pores at right/left ventricles
- blood does not circulate
galens therapies
more interventionalist
- balance humors with diet and bloodletting/purging
- surgeries and drugs
drug mixture based on poison antitode with 70+ ingridients
polypharmacy: use of complex drug mixtures
scientific legacy of the ancient world
- spirit of natural, rational thought and inquiry
- natural history
- pragmatic, ethical medicine
- dogmatic adherence to ancient authorities
- first jobs in modern science to assimilate ancient science and overthrow