Chemistry Flashcards
Name the test procedure and observation or result and reason for observation for the laboratory test for hydrogen
Test -of burning wooden splint
Procedure – hold a burning splint at the open end of a test tube of gas.
Observationi-it burns with a loud squeaky pop
Reason for observation – it is as a result of the rapid combustion of hydrogen with oxygen to produce water.
How does rust occur or define the term rust
Rust occurs when water vapour from a condenses on iron or steel and forms a film on the surface of the metal.
oxygen dissolved in the water and reacts with this metal to form iron. The chemical name for rust is iron oxide
What is the chemical name for rust and what colour is rust
The chemical name for rust is iron oxide and rust is brown in colour.
Rust can be prevented by keeping oxygen and moisture away from iron or steel through the following ways
Painting surface is made of iron or steel.
Boiling or covering iron with oil
chromium plating for steel covering the surface with chromium which corrosion resistance.
Galvanizing which is covering the iron with a layer of zinc zinc is more reactive than iron and therefore it corrodes instead of the iron
sacrificial protection which is a process where a more reactive than iron is put the reactive metal reacts with oxygen instead of iron in this case iron is protected at the expense of the more reactive metal and for this reason it is called sacrificial protection
What is the reactivity series
The reactivity series of metals but how readily they react starting with the most reactive
Tell me the reactivity series in order from most reactive to least reactive
Something to remember these is
please stop calling me a careless zebra instead try learning how copper saves gold poo
What is a displacement reaction
A displacement reaction is a reaction when a more reactive elements displaces less reactive element from a compound that contains the less reactive element. Or a reaction in which a more reactive elements displaces less reactive element from its solution.
Displacement reactions alternative name
Displacement reactions are also called replacement reactions.
General observations during a displacement reaction
The more reactive metal gradually disappears as it forms a solution.
The less reactive metal is deposited at the bottom of the solution
Example – when a piece of magnesium is dipped into blue copper sulphate solution; the following observations are made:
The blue colour fades as colorless magnesium sulphate solution forms and the brown copper is deposited at the bottom of the solution
So the equation for this reaction is magnesium plus copper sulphate equals magnesium sulphate + copper
Note that no observable change is seen if you put copper powder into magnesium sulfate solution and this is because Papa is not receive enough to displace magnesium from magnesium sulphate solution.
Chemical reactions and energy
When a chemical reaction takes place energy may be given out or taken in.
Examples of reactions that give out energy and examples of reactions that take in energy
Reactions that give out energy are
Burning of gas in a Bunsen burner
reactions of metals and acids
reactions of metal carbonate and acid
neutralization reactions
Explosion of petrol vapour in a car engine
examples of reactions that take in energy are
the decomposition of limestone to make lime
Which metals can be extracted using carbon and which metals cannot be extracted using carbon
Metals which can be extracted using carbon only lower reactive than carbon-these metals are zinc iron tin Lead and copper
Metals which cannot be extracted using carbon have higher reactivity than carbon-these are are aluminium magnesium calcium sodium and potassium
Why is carbon used in the extraction of metals
Carbon is a non-metal but it’s more reactive than some metals therefore it can take away the oxygen form metal oxides first of less reactive metals than carbon can be extracted from their oxides by heating with carbon in general.
metal oxide + carbon =metal + carbon dioxide
Explain extracting copper from copper oxide with the procedure and equation
Mix copper oxide powder with carbon powder. Then hit the mixture strongly for a few minutes in a crucible. It is important to keep a lid on the crucible otherwise the carbon will react with oxygen in the air rather than with the copper oxide.
The carbon dioxide formed in the reaction escapes into the air. Let the crucible cool down did the mixture into cold water pieces of brown copper sink to the bottom living all reacted powder suspended in the water.
The equation is - copper oxide + carbon=copper + carbon dioxide
Uses of copper
Copper is used to make water pipes. This is because it does not react with cold or hot water. It is used to make basis of some kitchen pants. This is because it is a good conductor of heat. It is used for making electrical coils. This is because it is a good conductor of electricity corrodes very slowly and it is soft and therefore can be pulled into a wire. Copper is alloyed with tin to make bronze. Bronze is a highly sonorous metal and is used to make bells because of the clear ringing sound it produces.
It is alloyed with zinc to make brass. Brass is a strong and corrosion-resistant and it is used to make the pins of electrical plugs for stop brass is also a shiny metal which is used to make ornaments.
What is an alloy and what are the reasons to why metals are alloyed and how are they alloyed
An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals first or reason as to why metals are alloyed is because most metals in their pure form tend to wear and soften an oil strengthen these metals first of alloying is done by melting metals mixing them together and then allowing them to cool. The properties of an alloy can be changed by altering the proportions of metals that are mixed together.
Extracting iron from iron oxide. Name the procedure and the equation
Iron is extracted from iron oxide using carbon. This is done on an industrial scale in a huge container called a blast furnace. The procedure is lumps of iron oxide are mixed with carbon and dropped into the top of the blast furnace hot air is blasted in at the bottom first of the oxygen in the air reacts with carbon. Forming carbon monoxide. The equation for this is
carbon +oxygen= carbon monoxide.
It is hot enough in the blast furnace for the carbon monoxide to react with iron oxide
Iron oxide + carbon monoxide = iron + carbon dioxide
What are the uses of iron
Used to make car engine blocks and used to make manhole covers
Aluminium is the most abundant metal on earth but it is expensive .why is it expensive and what is done as an alternative
Because of the amount of electricity used in the extraction process. Aluminium ore is called bauxite the bauxite is purified to yield a white powder known as aluminium oxide from which aluminium can be extracted. The extraction of aluminium is done by a process called electrolysis.
note that aluminium oxide does not conduct electricity in solid-state therefore it is first melted so that electricity can pass through it.
However aluminium oxide has a very high melting point over 2000 degrees Celsius so it would be very expensive to melt it instead it is dissolved in Molten cryolite full stop the use of molten cryolite and a solvent reduces some of the energy costs involved in extracting aluminium.
Uses of aluminium
Used for making food wrappers which keep food fresh it is soft light in great and non-toxic full-stop used for making overhead power cables because it is good of a conductor of electricity and light. Used for making kitchen pants because it is a good conductor of heat and also is lightweight. Aluminium is strengthened by a line with copper this alloy is used for making aircraft and truck bodies and the frames of racing bicycles and this is because it is strong and lightweight
aluminium can be allowed with copper and tin to make aluminium bronze this alloy is used for fittings on the decks of both and ships in this is because it’s strong lightweight and corrosion resistant.
Electroplating and uses of electroplating
Electroplating is the coating of one metal with another using electrolysis. The uses of electroplating car that is used for purifying methods after extraction
it gives objects made of cheap metal a coating of a more expensive metal makes them look more attractive
it is used to cover steel with chromium and chromium gives steel and attractive shiny surface and also protect the steel from rusting.
The earth’s surface is covered by a layer of soil what is the soil made of
Weathered rock particles
decaying remains of dead plants and animals called humus
living things including plants and animals such as worms
Reasons why plants need soil to grow
Soil provides water
soil provides mineral salts
soil supports plants and anchor’s plants
pH of different soils
Different soils have different pH. It is because they are made up of different rocks and soil contain different chemicals. The pH of the soil affect the availability of nutrients and plants prefer to grow in soil of a certain pH for example strawberries prefer acidic soil and plants prefer alkaline soils. Farmers need to check the soil pH.
Changing soil pH
If soil is too acidic to grow certain crops lime can be added. Lime is a base called calcium oxide and will raise the pH of the soil. Farmers and gardeners can choose only plants that prefer the pH of the soil alternatively they can add chemicals that change soil pH to suit the plant they want to grow if soil is too acidic lime a base can be added the line neutralizes the acid in soil and so increases the soil pH. But if the soil is too alkaline make you can spray it with very dilute sulphuric acid to the soil or you can add from yard manure.
What is weathering and what are the three types of weathering
Rocks change over time due to environmental conditions such as temperature and acid rain. The breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments is called weathering.
The three types of weathering or physical weathering chemical weathering and biological weathering
Physical weathering is due to weathering of temperature which can cause freeze thaw or onion skin weathering.
Chemical weathering is due to chemical reactions between substances in rock and acidic rainwater.
Biological weathering is due to the actions of animals and plants.
What is acid rain
Normal rainwater has a pH of about 5.6 which means it is naturally slightly acidic. This natural acidity is due to carbon dioxide which dissolve in rainwater and forms carbonic acid a weak acid. Rain water with ph lower than normal is called acid rain.
the burning of fossil fuels in power stations and car forms pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
These gases dissolve in rainwater to make sulfuric and nitric acids which are strong acids so they form acid rain.
Effects of acid rain
Acid rain has many damaging effects on the environment like
the speed of the chemical weathering of rocks and buildings
Rivers lakes and streams become more acidic so that animals and plants cannot live in them
Soil that becomes more acidic has less nutrients so trees and other plants cannot grow
Acid rain also damages trees by breaking down the waxy coating of leaves
Reducing acid rain
Governments are working to reduce the emission of acidic pollution caused by burning fossil fuels.
Removing sulphur from the gases that are released to the atmosphere
Fittting cars exhaust systems with a catalytic converter which turns harmful nitrogen oxide gases into harmless nitrogen gas.
The greenhouse effect
Certain gas is known as greenhouse gases EG Carbon dioxide methane and water vapour in atmosphere traps some of the heat given off from the earth first of the chart hit is reflected back to the surface and warms the earth. The trapping of heat by the earth’s atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect
Global warming
Global warming is the increase in global temperatures
State the causes of global warming
An increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere making the earth warmer
Effects of global warming
Global warming could cause major climate changes
Changes in temperature some areas may be warmer and others may be colder.
coastal flooding sea levels could rise at oceans get warmer.
Changes in rainfall patterns some areas may be wetter and other areas maybe dryer.