Chemical Practice Comprehensive Flashcards
Which is a characteristic of ammonium thiolycolate relaxer?
Compatible with soft-curl permanent waves
The chemical composition of a temporary color is ________.
What type of placement results in greater volume at the scalp area and maximum movement?
Which of the following is the oldest and most commonly used chemical relaxer?
Sodium hydroxide
What type of relaxers are more damaging to the cuticle layer of the hair?
Calcium hydroxide
_______ is an extremely alkaline product and may process hair too quickly where a blowout cannot be performed.
Sodium hydroxide
What types of relaxers are known as lye relaxers?
Sodium hydroxide
Thio relaxing products require the use of a(n) ______ to chemically oxidize the hair.
Texturizers and chemical blowouts are usually performed with a _______.
Which is a characteristic of sodium hydroxide relaxer?
High pH 12.5 - 13.5
Calcium hydroxide relaxers require the addition of a(n) ______.
Acid-balanced waves process _______.
At room temperature
What wrapping pattern is one of the best to use for men’s styles?
Curvature perm wrap
Which of the following relaxers contain two products, a relaxer and an activator?
Guanidine hydroxide
Which of the following can be used as temporary coloring for mustaches, beards, sideburns?
What type of hair color washes out or fades within a few weeks?