Chemical Formula Examples (Write On Paper If Needed) Flashcards
What is the chemical formula for sodium chloride?
(Use paper if needed)
Sodium Chloride
Symbol Na Cl
Valency 1 1
Swap 1 1
Divide 1 1
Formula: NaCl
What is the chemical formula for magnesium sulphate?
(Use paper if needed)
Magnesium Sulphate
Symbol Mg S
Valency 2 1
Swap 1 2
Divide 1 1
Formula: MgS
What is the chemical formula for Potassium Oxide?
(Use paper if needed)
Potassium Oxide
Symbol K O
Valency 1 2
Swap 2 1
Divide x
Formula: K2O
What is the chemical formula for Calcium Hydroxide?
(Use paper if needed)
Calcium Hydroxide
Symbol Ca H
Valency 2 1
Swap 1 2
Divide x
Formula: CaH2