Chemical compounds of feeds Flashcards
What are feeds?
Feeds — edible materials, contain nutrients, are capable of being digested
What is the first step of proximate analysis of feeds?
Determination of dry matter
What are 5 reasons to determine dry matter?
- Comparison of feeds based on their nutrient content
- Identification of voluminous feeds (relationship between volume and DM)
- Identification of concentrated feeds (relationship between DM and energy content)
- DM intake capacity of animals
- Storage quality and transportability of feeds
Voluminous feeds — ?
Low DM content related to the volume of feed
Examples: green forages, preserved forages
Concentrated feeds — ?
Lot of energy in the DM
Examples: cereal grains
How do we determine DM?
By using drying oven
What is the next step of proximate analysis after determination of DM? How?
- Separation of inorganic and organic compounds
- by determining the ash content of the feed which involves the inorganic compounds
- method: muffle furnace (500-600 Celsius)
- organic matter - calculated value
What does ash consist of?
- inorganic compounds of feed
- mainly minerals + some inorganic contaminations (e.g. sand, soil)
- animals do not have a requirement for ash (they need individual mineral elements)
What is the next step after determination organic and inorganic?
Separate the compounds of the organic matter
1. crude protein
2. ether extract
3. crude fibre
4. nitrogen-free extract (NfE) (is done by calculating)
How to determine the CP content of a feed?
- more logically would be to measure amino acid a=content of feeds but analysis is old and back then they could nit measure amino acids
- element that is present in protein but missing from the carbohydrates and fats -> nitrogen -> determination of CP = determination of N content of the feed
- crude protein = N x 6,25 (but it’s not protein because not only proteins contain N
What groups crude protein include?
True protein and non-protein-nitrogen compounds
- true protein: built up from amino acids and can be synthesised from protein only
- animal cells contain true protein
- monogastric animals need true protein (amino acids)
- ruminants can party utilise the nitrogen as a protein source via rumen microbes
What belongs to NPN (non protein nitrogen)?
- nitrates
- free amino acids
- amides
- nuclei acids, etc
What is ether extract (EE)?
All substances soluble in petroleum ether
1. true fats and oils: energy sources, essential fatty acids
2. other substances: glucolipids, phosphatides, waxes, steroids, terpenes, etc)
How to determine EE?
Soxhlet method
What is crude fibre?
Plant cell wall compounds (pectin, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin)
Why to determine CF?
- in rumen: volatile fatty acids will be built (e.g. cellulose -> acetic acid -> milk fat)
- stimulates the chewing -> saliva production -> NaHCO3 -> buffers the acids in the rumen
- influences the nutrients’ digestibility (fibre optimum in different species)
- dietetic effect: maintenance of peristalsis, passage of digesta
How to determine CF?
Kinda imitating digesting: treatment with acids and alkali
What is the nitrogen-free-extract?
Mainly (but not exclusively) starch. Energy sources.
Starch, sugar, organic acids, soluble pectins, hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignin