Chemical Changes Flashcards (4)
What is oxidation
Oxidation is loss of electrons, gain of oxygen or loss of hydrogen
What is reduction?
Reducation is gain of electrons, loss of oxygen or gain or hydrogen.
What is the reactivity series of metals?
The series shows the metals in order of their reactivity.
How do you remember the reactvity series
What does the polite reprsent in the reactvity series
potassium (K)
What does the spotted reprsent in the reactvity series
sodium (Na)
What does the leopard reprsent in the reactvity serie
Lithium Li
What does the can reprsent in the reactvity serie
Calcium Ca
What does the meet reprsent in the reactvity serie
Magnesium Mg
What does the affectionate reprsent in the reactvity serie
Aluminium Al
What is inbetween Alminium and zinc in the reactvity series
Carbon C
What does the zebra reprsent in the reactvity serie
Zinc Zn
What does the into reprsent in the reactvity serie
Iron Fe
What does the tender reprsent in the reactvity serie
Tin Sn
What does the loving reprsent in the reactvity serie
Lead Pb
Whats inbetween Lead(Pb) and Copper(Cu)
Hydrogen (H)
What does the care reprsent in the reactvity serie
Copper Cu
What does the single reprsent in the reactvity serie
Silver Ag
What does the girls reprsent in the reactvity serie
gold (Au)
What does the please reprsent in the reactvity serie
What the reactvity series order from most to least reactvie
Potassium K
Sodium Na
Lithium Li
Calcium Ca
Magnesium Mg
Aluminium Al
Carbon C
Zinc Zn
Iron Fe
Tin Sn
Lead Pb
Hydrogen H
Copper Cu
Silver Ag
Gold Au
Platinum Pt
What happens to metals above H( 2 ) and those in the reactvity series
Metals above H( 2) in reactivity series react with acid to produce H(2).The more reactive the metal is, the quicker and more violent reaction with acid occurs.
What happens to metals bellow H(squared 2 ) and those in the reactvity series
Metals below H(squared 2) don’t react with acids.
Do all metals above H2 react with water
Mostly group 1 and 2.Aluminium is the borderline case.
What is a displacement reaction?
A reaction where a more reactive metal (in the reactvity series) displaces a less reactive metal from a compound