Chem (Set 1) Flashcards
The number “23” in the picture below, is sodium’s __________.

Mass number

True or False?
Each atomic symbol (element symbol) has one and only one capital letter.

Period trend
The gradual change of any property in the elements across a period in the periodic table.

Elements in purple on the right

Noble gases
Reverse Card
The charge of a neutron.
Reverse Card
The charge of a proton.
Reverse Card
Two atoms with the same atomic number, but different atomic masses.
What is the charge of a proton?
Relative Atomic Mass
An average of all the different atomic masses of all the atoms of a chemical element.
(Remember, a chemical element can have isotopes that have different masses)
Many periodic tables use the term “Atomic Weight” for Relative Atomic Mass.
ALL atoms of iron have EXACTLY 26 protons. Some atoms of iron, however, have 29 neutrons, while others have 30 neutrons.
We would call these two different versions of the iron atom ______________.