Chem 3 Flashcards
Write the differences between the inductive effect and the field effect.
Inductive effect is polarization through sigma bond.
Field effect is polarization through space.
+I groups
NH4+ (Ammonium group)
H3O+ (Hydronium group)
C2H3+ (Vinyl group)
CH3+ (Methyl group)
C3H5+ (Allyl group)
-I group
NH2- (Amino group)
OH- (Hydroxyl group)
CHO- (Carbonyl group)
NO2- (Nitro group)
HSO3- (Sulfonic group)
Arrange the relative strength of the following factors on a molecules acidity: Resonance, Atomic radius, Electronegativity, and Inductive effect.
Inductive effect, Electronegativity,
Atomic radius,
The formal charge on nitrogen and oxygen in NO+ is:
0 and +1
Non-superimposable stereoisomers, which are mirror images of each other, are known as _________.
Non-superimposable stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other, are known as ____________
Diastereoisomers are possible only when the molecule contains more than ______ chiral center.
E / Z alkene isomers are known as ______________________
Geometric isomers
The structure of the molecule, (Z)-3-ethyl-2-pentene-4-yne, is ________
Molecules (or objects) that possess a mirror plane of symmetry, are superimposable on their mirror image, are termed as ___________
A molecule containing carbon with four different groups results in a _______ molecule, and the carbon is referred to as a __________ center
chiral ; stereogenic
Molecules enriched in an enantiomer will rotate plane-polarized light and are said to be __________ active
The optical rotation depends upon the substance, concentration, path length through the sample, and _______________ of light
A polarimeter measures the rotation of _____________ light that has passed through a solution.
Plane polarized light is the light that oscillates in only one plane;when it passes through, the solution of an achiral compound remains in that plane, and the optical rotation is _____________
Optically inactive