Chelsea-occuptational Flashcards
Accounts for a persons intensity, direction and persistence of effort towards a goal-robbins. Work motivation is forces from within and beyond a person to initiate work behaviour. Motivation linked to job performance, satisfaction, lower burnout and turnover. Link stronger in blue than white collar jobs
Maslows hierarchy of needs
Physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self actualisation. Need lower needs for motivation but not much evidence as higher needs don’t lead to motivation at work
McClellan and motivation
1961: motivation comes from trait like needs: need for achievement, affiliation and power. Comes from experience, can change over time. If know the needs of a job, can use this to motivate. W: less practical as needs are subconscious so hard to measure
Applications mclelland
Need for achievement most studied: high need for achievement predicted a choice of an entrepreneurial career, prefer challenging tasks. Thematic apperception test is when ps tell a story from pictures which reveals aspirations so measures the 3 needs but need an expert and lacks accountability
Self determination theory-SDT background
Types of motivation, 3 psych needs and looks at impact of environmental factors. Ext and int motivation don’t combine to increased motivation as extrinsic reduces int.
SDT types of motivation
Is a continuum from amotive (none), external, introjected (external but W some self worth), identified (rewards where values linked to self), integrated (same goals and values as self) regulation to intrinsic (controlled -external to autonomous- internal W some ext when aligns w values)
SDT- 3 psych needs
Autonomy (in control, wishes, choices, reasoning, perspective), competence (skills, ops, trying things, feedback), relatedness (relationships, same tasks, interest, empathy)
SDT- social environment
Social support- support for autonomy promotes internalisation, used for predicting identification and integration. Extrinsic rewards- lower self determination, more controlled means less autonomy and intrinsic. Feedback increases self determination
SDT evaluation
S: can be applied to a wide range of topics- has large scope, has high explanatory power
W: does not account for social and cultural factors that may impact motivation and many work tasks not intrinsically interesting so can’t enhance intrinsic
Equity theory adams 1963
Work motivation comes from being treated fairly by employer, decided by looking at input (effort, loyalty) to output (money, sacrifice, recognition) ratio. Demotivated if input bigger than output or unequal to others. Compare old jobs and those in other jobs
Organisational Justice
Related to equity. Includes distribution of rewards and how they are distributed, respect and honesty. 4 categories: distributive justice (feel fairly rewarded for work compared to others), procedural (perception of fairness in the whole company), interpersonal (ppl feel respected), informational (ways procedures are explained). Dist and proc are structural while interper and infor and interactional
OJ and relationships
Perception of procedures as unjust but high distributive=good perception of system as bad but treated well. If high procedural justice=less concern about distributive. Ways to respond: exit, voice, loyalty, silence
OJ and motivation
Zapata-phelan 2009: procedural justice increases intrinsic motivation & task performance. No link between interactional justice and intrinsic motivation. diff evidence as mediation effect of trust in their job and promotes justice perceptions. Inspirational leader means more purpose and job security had no effect on performance with those who perceived justice
Expectancy theory
3 factors that determine work efforts: valence (extent a person values any outcome), instrumentality (prob performance will result in outcome) and expectancy (prob effort will result in required level) in equation: effort/force= v x I x e W: little evidence
States associated with motivation
Sense of personal responsibility, meaningfulness and knowledge of results. Developed into 5 job factors: skill variety, task identity, task sig, autonomy, feedback
Defined by vigour, dedication and absorption . Resources and demands linked to higher engagements. Job crafting is making a job to get more resources for demands
What is performance management
a continuous process of id, measuring and developing performance of ind and teams and aligning performance w goals of orgs- aguinis 2009 (setting goals, measuring performance and providing feedback
Goal setting theory - Locke and Latham
Developed inductively over 25 years, love thoery (still being developed), most influential. Goal characteristics: specificity and difficulty (sweet spot), measurable (allows feedback and accomplishment), possible/importance (attainable and time bound)
Goal setting theory moderating factors
goal commitment (want to do it and believe achievable), feedback, task complexity, self efficacy (belief in ability to meet goal), national culture (setting diff goals has diff effects depending on culture)
Goal setting theory types of goals
Performance goals, performance goal orientated ppl PHO want to achieve a standard. Learning goals LGO motivated to learn and understand. Learning goals result in similar performance for both styles
How goals affect performance
Direction of behaviour: goal directed behaviour towards relevant goals. Energising behaviour (goals make ppl put in more effort), persistence (harder goals need more effort), development (develop new strategies for goals)
Goal setting key points
Goal setting results in higher performance
More difficult goals result in more effort but only if ppl have the skills,most effective when goals are specific and measurable
W: decreases self efficacy, unachievable ones, may not fit everyone, lose focus on other work,
How to measure job performance
task performance and organisational citizenship behaviour OCB-
Partsof OCB
personal support (helping others), organisational support (defending and loyalty), conscientiousness initiative (carrying on even if hard, initiative and taking advantage of ops)
Counterproductive work behaviours
Intentional behaviours that are damaging to others and productivity (property damage, violence, lateness). Can be a reaction to unfairness beauregard 2014, perceptions of unfairness related to work withdrawal and predict intentions for antisocial behaviour colqiitt 2001. Can be caused by boredom
Assessing job performance
Objective measures: sales figures, on job hours, production output, quality, absence, lateness
But someone has to decide what is acceptable which is subjective and measures dont explain diffs in performance or allow for things outside of employee control
Needs to focus on behaviour
Competency approach
Most pop to measure performance. Combined knowledge and skills, measurable and distinguishes ppl. Integration of recruitment and selection processes
The great 8 competencies
Leading and deciding, supporting and cooperating interacting and presenting, analysing and interpreting, creating and conceptualising, organising and executing, adapting and coping, enterprising and performing . Applied to all jobs, based on self rating and criterion approach
Factors influencing performance
Ind factors: self efficacy, skills and motivation
Org factors: leadership style, org culture
Job related factors: role clarity and task complexity
Self efficacy and job performance
Belief that a persons effort will lead to success, increases performance as more control yahil 2023. More likely to embrace challenges , less stress. Increase by goal setting, work flow, training ops, effective leadership
Impacts of leadership
Effective leaders influence those around them in a positive way. Transformational: focus on long term goals and attention to needs, transactional: rewards and punishments, laissez fare! Allow ppl to have autonomy and make decisions. Transformation and L have + impacts, other -
Job characteristics
Job autonomy: more flexibility as efficient and increased performance, moderates by intrinsic movitatiom as high respond well to autonomy. High complexity reduces performance, stress can be performance booster but reduces past limit. High clarity associated w better performance
Effective feedback
On time, frequent, specific, evidence based, consistent, private, consequences, pattern id, advice
How to improve rating scales
Train people how to use the, and avoid bias. Use forced distribution (have to rate top 10 highest as people tend to not say average), use many rates, have behavioural scales. Results based is too simplistic
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