Adam- Educational Flashcards
Aims of an EP
Enhance achievement and wellbeing, I’d barriers and make a plan. Tend to have SEN. Don’t focus on deficits but adaptations
Core ways of working jones and Atkinson 2021
Have psych consultation and work holistically. Use intervention like cbt. Undertake development and training and carry out research. Also work in critical incident work like a death to give support, media training. Peer supervision for support. Expert witness
The areas of SEN
Physical and sensory (motor skills, awareness, hyper/hypo sensitivity), cog and learning (low in, underperforming, disability, executive function, mindset), communication and interaction (expressive lang like vocab and receptive lang like understanding, social communication, attention, eye contact), social emotional and MH,(relationships, emotional health)
fair access and opportunity
Debates surrounding placement, distribution of resources, extent of adaptation, inclusion within activities - lauchlan and greig 2015
Statutory involvement
Make EHC plans (educational, health and care) provided by local authorities for severe needs. Need psych advice from an EP. schools make application as last resort, need evidence . Includes funding, therapy, extra activities
Examples of psych theory
Bowlby: attachment, deck and Ryan self determination, Maslow hierarchy of needs, selling an positive psych(perma: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplish), Zpd vygotsky, ecological systems bronfenbrenner (micro is school family friends, meso is relationship, Exxon is media and law macro is culture and chrono is life events.
Concerns are raised, find solution. With EP, teacher, parent, social workers. Conduct observation in class and speak to the,. Beaver 201a: plan (meet child, school to I’d problem), do: start intervention over a time. Review meet after 6-8 weeks
Questions to ask the child
Academic: anything they like, friends, teachers, hobbies, good traits. Ask qs separated into problem clarifying, elaboration, solution oriented and target setting
Meta model NLP beaver 2011
Verbal communication a secondary representation and subject to interpretation via deletion, generalisation or distortion (fit bias)
Target monitoring and evaluation dunsmuir 2009
See if progress is below, at , progressing, expected or exceeding rated 1-10
Requests for assessment
By schools, parents, other. Get understanding of child from psych, find S and W, targets. Help to asses whether funding is needed and what school. Get background info, obersvats, rec targets and interventions
Assessment methods
Observation, info from parents and teachers, from child, other professionals, iq tests. Phonological skill test, executive function, developmental milestones, well-being, functional behavioural assessment. Emotional well-being can affect school and vice verda
Examples of iq tests
Wechsler wisc and wais for adults, ravens matiricies, Stanford Binet. Spearman’s intelligence model: two factor theory of intelligence g general and S spec, They correlate. British ability scale: word verbal, quant. See how compare to avg, if gifted, S and w. But could have other factors like attention, anxiety, not other intelligences, excuses, unethical and reductionist
Environmental influences . Gardner and vygotskt
Prenatal like smoking and alcohol, nutrition, birth order (parents have less resources after first child), parenting (subcon reinforce), socio economic status, tech advancement, genetics, teaching. Others are naturalist and existentialist. Active learning
Scaffolding- based of zpd
Teachers own mental model and child’s, I’d problems. Recruitment, reduction in degrees of freedom, direction maintenance, critical feature marking, control anger, demo. Now uses tech. W: other ppl in class
Dynamic assessment
Test of child’s approach to task. Cog and emotional factors, reminders to scaffolding to see S and w. E.g. do they have plan, is it good
Executive functions
Control goal directed behaviour, measured by eps by qs and obs. Dawson and guare: has working mem, planning, meta cog (thinking about thinking), inhibition, perisitance. In class: chunking, games, checklist, time.
Words, spelling, phonological awareness, verbal memory, confuse letters, slow reading, comp. have alt to writing, lots of time, highlighting, colours, tech
Fixed/growth mindsets
Dweck: Fixed: what matters us looking smart, helplessness, Growth: what matters is learning, resilience and failure. Solve by having visual reminders of growth, avoid praising intelligence, use yet after I can’t do it, mini goals, role models who overcame challenges
Learning styles
Dunlosky reviews. Best is practice testing and distributed practice, mod is elaborating interrfgostion, self explanation and interleaved practice. Low is summarise, highlight, mnemonic, images, rereading
Attachment theory background
Kids have adverse experiences. Virtual school teams are groups of professionals for looked after children to improve them, manage pupil premium and peps. Glazer. Attachment based on safety and security. Sunderland: emotional responsiveness
Secure attachment
Needs are satisfied and responsive, available, attentive, fun. Causes positive internal working model (worthy self) if negative unvaried self. The secure base: warmth, calm. Secure child is cooperative, takes risks, good relationships, accepts help, self regulate, empathy bomber 2008
Risks: birth comps, post natal dep, drugs in preg, poverty, negeclt. Rejection Leads to insecurity/hyperarousal. Attunment is tuning into emotions and reflecting back, accepting. Avoidant child is indifferent, struggles W friendships and support. Ambivalent is when parent is inconsistent, child is needy. Disorganised is parents who cause fear- child has outbursts and can’t do hard things
Available, respond sensitively, accept child and promote school membership. Means child trusts, being mind minded, improve self esteem. Cooperative enabling is encouraging child to be own person. Shield abasing shame (child feels unworthy so shields). Pace: playfulness, acceptance, curiosity in child and empathy
Boingboing: basic, belonging, learning, coping and core self. Emotional coaching: validate emotion, set limits, problem solving. Solution focused attachment training for children at risk of exclusion (led by EP, discuss past, S and W) emotionally friendly schools (staff wellbeing, child’s needs, whole school, indiv, boost skills and confidence in staff). Need school awareness training, audits, action planning
EHC plans- tutorial
For severe, outcome is yes, no or yes W change of school. By local authority. Bullying more likely tin special but more inclusion. Strain on resources. Lack of evidence for both
EP and autism
Don’t diagnose but contribute. May do the therapeutic work and manage transitions. Dsm: social emotional reciprocity, nonv comm in social interaction and understanding relationships, repetitive behaviour . Getting the gist-deficits in drive for central coherence, mind blindness/Tom . Assessed by asked if child has diffs understanding emotions of others p. Girls undrdiagnosed, assessments for males
Autism spectrum
Strengths: attention to detail, areas of interest, rule based. Triad is communication, imagination (routine, repetitive) and interaction. May be hyper or hypo sensitive - swimming. Order of play goes from egocentric, parallel, associative to cooperative. NICE guidelines say referal, ass in 3m, have a case coordinator. EP ass. Family interview. May use talking mats to express feelings with topic, options and visual scale
Support for autistics
Be clear, face to face, more time, prompted, turn taking, warnings for changes, awareness of triggers, quiet space. Behaviour management template (description, setting, trigger, response, benefits). Star approach (settings, triggers, actions, results). Use visual time tables . Social stories gray 2015 describe social situations, comic strip conversations . Systemic interventions : audits in class, cpd training , parent support