Check day Oral Flashcards
What is the alternate minima?
Cat 1 600ft/2000m
company pink pages
What is the takeoff alternate range for 787 Trent 1000C?
What is the takeoff Alternate Range?
OM 3-S-18
Flying distance in 60 minutes at one engine inoperative cruise speed
RR Trent 1000C - 429NM
Why is RVR not available with no centerline lights?
It requires centerline lights to compute RVR
GPS requirements for 787. Number of satellites required?
Confirmation of GPS Availability (GPS Constellation Status and RAIM predication)
B787 - 23 Satellites
What is the difference between BR and FG?
Fog is less than 1000M and Mist is greater than 1000M
Where is the APU battery vent located?
Left aft fuselage
Where is the main battery vent located?
Right forward fuselage
When will RVR be reported by ATC?
An RVR is reported when the value is 1800m or less. Usually it is reported when the visibility is less than 1500m or the RVR less than 2000m. But most airports in Japan it is reported at 1800m.
What is shaded area of W&B sheet?
There is just 1 format for international and domestic flight.
On domestic flights confirm Taxi WT and TO CG On international flights confirm TO WT and TO CG This is done because if you are limited by TO WT you have to consume the fuel before take off, this led to a lot of delays on the domestic sectors, so Taxi WT is used as a limitation.
What does the shaded region indicate on the weight and balance?
Aircraft is equipped with high takeoff thrust engines, so tailstrike may occur when taking off with light weight.
For B787, a CG region limited only for the use of rolling takeoff has been established to ensure that aircraft with light takeoff weights can takeoff without tip up.
The CG region is established for aircraft with Trent 1000C/1000CE/1000L and B787-9 equipped with Trent 1000K/1000D engines.
Only for international flights.
Cold weather, rolling takeoff prohibits?? The last 3 refer to ops in the aft cg range
In the case of icing conditions and the OAT is less than 3 degrees, engine run-up is required in order to remove any snow/ice that has accumulated on the fans etc. Takeoff roll initiation via brake release after engine run-up (without retarding the thrust lever) is permitted in the extended AFT takeoff CG limit range. In this cases, N1 must be limited to 55 percent or less during engine run-up. Tip up may occur in this CG ranges if N1 exceeds 55 percent while the brakes are applied. Put 50 percent N1 as a target.
Wake turbulence
Wake turbulence is divided into 3 categories.
Certified T/O weight
Heavy 300.000 pounds or more
Medium 7000 kgs to less than 136000 kgs
Light less than 7000 kgs.
There are separation requirements based on NM. It is applied when an aircraft is at the same altitude or 1000’ and in the flight path of the leading aircraft, or crossing at the 6 o’clock position of the aircraft.
Or when 2 aircraft are using the same RWY or parallel runways separated by less than 2500’ at the same direction.
Super 6NM
Heavy 4NM
Non radar 2 Min
What are some things to consider about wake turbulence?
The wing tip vortices continue to generate while the lift power of the wing exists.
The size of a vortex is approx one wing span high, and above two wing spans wide.
Slow. heavy and clean aircraft generate the strongest vortexes.
Max duration of a vortex is 2-3 min. Wind and turbulence shorten this.
The vortices generated from the wing tips sink at the rate of 400-500 fpm. The sink stops at about 900’ below the flight path.
When landing on a adjacent parallel runway (separated by less than 2500’) following a heavy aircraft, pay extra attention especially when you are downwind. When taking off or landing after a missed approach of a heavy aircraft, wait 2 min.
When you encounter wake turbulence, be soft on the controls. Do not recover using the rudder.
What category is 787?
Category D
What are separation requirements in a visual traffic pattern?
When cleared for a visual approach, pilot is responsible for preventing a collision from obstacles on the ground, maintaining VMC, and for ensuring a safe approach interval and wake turbulence separation from the aircraft concerned.
Where do you start on the exterior inspection?
Exterior inspection. Information 87: Where do you start? You start at the L1 door to see the Forward outflow valve and the FWD external power.
Where is the battery vent?
There are 2 battery vents. One for the main battery and one for the APU battery.
The main battery one is located close to the FWD E/E access door, on the belly of the aircraft.
The APU battery vent is located behind the Landing gear door ground release access door. On the belly just behind the main gear.
Where is the pack inlet?
The pack inlet is near the wing root above the CAC inlet, the CAC inlet has deflector doors.
What is additional fuel?
Additional fuel means the amount of fuel required loading additionally if the minimum fuel calculated in accordance with burn off fuel, contingency fuel, alternate fuel and reserve fuel when the following event happens:
In the event of engine failure of pressurization loss:
Failure at the most critical point along the route. The amount of fuel it takes to proceed to the airport, if it is more than planned, additional fuel has to be added. And the required fuel to make an approach at landing at that specific airport.
Additional fuel is required for all flights except the flights conducted by ETOPS operation. The most critical point along the route would be the ETP (equal time point)