ChE Related Laws, Decrees, Resolution, EO, LOI, etc Flashcards
RA 165
Patent Law of the Philippines
RA 166
Trademarks and Trade names
RA 2067
Science Act of 1958
RA 318
The Old Chemical Engineering Law
RA 754
An act to regulate the practice of Chemistry in the Philippines
RA 1080
Board and Bar as Civil Service Examination
RA 1364
An act to regulate the practice of Sanitary Engineering in the Philippines
RA 1581
Permanent Residence and Reciprocity of Professionals
RA 1582
An act to regulate the practice of Civil Engineering in the Philippines
RA 1655
Foods and Drugs Act
RA 3634
Incorporation of the APO
RA 3931
An act creating the National Water & Air Pollution Control Com-
mission (July 10, 1967)
RA 5186
Investment Incentives Act
RA 5197
Sugar Technology Act
RA 5455
Foreign Business Regulation Act
RA 6136
Export Incentives Act of 1970
RA 6969
Act to Control Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes.
RA 7920
An regulating the practice of Electrical Engineers and Electricians
RA 7924
Created the Metro Manila Development Authority
RA 8495
The Mechanical Engineering Act
RA 8559
An act regulating the practice of Agricultural Engineering in the Philippines
RA 8749
The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
RA 8981
PRC Modernization Act of 2000
RA 9003
The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
RA 9236
The National Metrology Act of 2003
RA 9275
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
RA 9292
The Electronics Engineering Law of 2004
RA 9297
New Chemical Engineering Law of 2004
P.D. 824
Created the Metro Manila Commission (Nov. 7, 1975)
P.D. 984
Provides policy for pollution control including land pollution. (Aug 8, 1976)
P.D. 1151
Philippine Environmental Policy
P.D. 1152
Philippine Environmental Code (June 6, 1977)
P.D. 1181
Installation of pollution control device for all motors and vehicles
P.D. 1396
Created the Human Settlement Ministry
L.O.1. 551 under P.D. 984
Gave N.P.C.C. the power to close industries violating P.D. 1181.
L.O.I. 558
Provision for a pollution control officer for all industries
P.D. 825
Providing penalty for improper disposal of garbage (Nov. 7, 1985)
P.D. 856
Code on Sanitation of the Philippines
P.D. 600
Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution
P.D. 1586
Environmental Impact Assessment Law
P.D. 274
Seeks to develop Pasig River and its environs within 3 years
P.D, 281
Created Pasig River Development Council
P.D. 602
Oil pollution center in the Philippines Coast Guard Headquarters
P.D. 1067
Water Code of the Philippines
P.D. 1160
Empowers barangay officials to arrest violators of laws for the protection of the environment
P.D. 223
Creation of Protessional Regulation Commission
P.D 839
Transfer of the PRC to the CSC
PRC Res No.217
Delisting of Delinquent Professionals
PRC Memo Cir No. 2005-13
Lifting the suspension of implementation requiring applicants in the Licensure Examination to submit transcript or records with scanned picture and with remarks “For Board Examination Purposes Only”. (Oct. 19, 2005)
PRC Res No. 2004-178
Rules governing the status of the present Accredited Professional
Organizations (APOs), accreditation of new/future professional
organizations, the renewal of the certificates of accreditation and
their cancellation and suspension.
PRC Res No. 2004-179
Standardized guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for all professions
PRC Res No. 2003-164
Releasing of test sample questions to the requesting schools, colleges or universities offering the course duly accredited with licensure examination
PRC Res No. 2003-132
Requiring applicants in licensure examinations to submit certitication/testimonial of good moral character.
PRC Res No. 2004-189
Forteiting the examination fees paid by the examinees who failed to report and take the scheduled examination
PRC Res No. 2003-143
Guidelines in the release of data and information on the performance of schools, colleges and universities and list of examinces in the various licensure examinations
PRC EO No. 496
Instituting Procedures and Criteria for the Selection and the Recommendations of the Nominees for Appointment to Vacant Positions in the Professional Regulatory Boards Under the Supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission.
PRC EO No. 200
Computerization of All Licensure Examinations
PRC Res No. 338
Guidelines to Computerization of Licensure Examinations
PRC Res No. 332
Amendments to Board Exam Provisions
PRC Res No. 323
Foreigners who wish to take the Board Examination
PRC Res No. 93-268
Oath Taking Ceremony
ChE Brd Res 2006-02
The implementing guidelines on administrative procedure and control on the adoption and use of seal by chemical engineers.
ChE Brd Res 2006-03
Endorsement of the issuance of an executive order on the proclamation of the 3rd week of September of every year as Chemical Engineering Week.
DENR AO No. 34
Water Usage and Classification