Chatter (Standard Object) Flashcards
What is Chatter?
Chatter is a built-in communication tool within Salesforce. It combines features of Twitter, Facebook and Chat, but is only accessible by SF license holders. You can extend Chatter use to non-Salesfoce users and customers with a Chatter Access License (free).
What is the Chatter Tab?
The Chatter Tab allows you to see your Chatter feed and post to Chatter (which is also possible from other areas within SF).
What is the People Tab?
The People Tab allows users to search for and follow Chatter users.
What is the Profile Tab?
The Profile Tab allows a user to view and edit their Chatter profile.
What is the Groups Tab?
The Groups Tabs allows users to find, follow and create Chatter groups.
What is the Files Tab?
The Files tab allows users to search for files posted to Chatter and to upload new files to their Chatter feed.