Characteristics Flashcards
What is a “Growth mindset”
I believe failure is not permanent.
I believe that I have the ability to learn and grown.
I practice having a positive working effort and response to challenges can help you grow.
I am able to fail because I know I am getting better everytime and I will get it.
I have confidence in myself.
What is Zest
I show zest when I approach life filled with enthusiasm and energy.
What is Optimism
I show optimism when I believe that the future holds positive possibilities. I have confidence that, with effort, these possibilities become likelihoods.
What is the Bravery Ladder
10 step plan that will gradually help me get better at a quality, behavior or outcome I am working on.
I make small steps “up the ladder” to progress
What is self-control
I have the ability to control my thoughts, feelings, or behaviors when they conflict with my goals and things I need to get done.
What are examples of self-control in relation to school?
I always challenge myself with school and try to learn. I measure my success against the best but don’t feel like a failure when I fail.
I come to class prepared even ahead.
I remembered and follow directions
I plan and work ahead in my classes and with learning.
I resist distractions.
What is self-control in relation to yourself and interactions with other people?
I know when it is time to not be selfish and I know when it is time to be selfish.
I practiced good communication between me and others.
I work to remain calm even when criticized or otherwise provoked but willing to stand up for myself if necessary.
I allow others to speak without interrupting;
I am polite to adults and peers;
I keep temper in check.
What does the following mean: “We teach people how to treat us.”
I am understand what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in friendships.
I know that “someone disagreeing with me is not the same as being bullied or devalued.” I do not let people bully or devalue me.
I know what I need and want and I am able to communicate to others.
I understand I am not always right and I am happy for others to be right so I grow.
How can you teach others to treat you well? One way is to start with yourself. What does this mean?
I know I can’t change anyone else. But I can create a different reaction in others by being brave, confident and valuing myself. This creates mutual respect.
I understand that the way I believe about me and how I treat myself sets the standard for others on how to treat me.
I know people learn how to treat me based on what I accept from them.
What is Gratitude
I appreciate what other people do for me
I show appreciation for opportunities
I express appreciation by saying thank you; Did something nice for someone else as a way of saying thank you.
What is Social Intelligence
I know to ask myself what other people’s motives are I know to consider others feelings in situations
I work to find solutions during conflicts with others;
I try to show that I care about the feelings of others;
I am adaptable to different situations
What is Curiosity
I am eager to explore new things;
I ask questions to help me learn better; T
I take an active interest in learning.
“Your _________ is God’s gift to you, what you do with it is your _____ back to ______.
“Your talent is God’s gift to you, what you do with it is your gift back to God.
Regarding God’s mercies and states the Bible states the following: “The steadfast _____ of the Lord _______ ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.” (ESV Lamentations 3:22-23)
God’s mercies. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.” (ESV)
What is will power?
It is the inner strength to make a decision, take action, and handle and execute any aim or task until it is accomplished, regardless of inner and outer resistance, discomfort or difficulties. It provides the ability to overcomes laziness, temptations and negative habits, and to carry out actions, even if they require effort, are unpleasant and tedious or are contrary to one’s habits.
What is self discipline?
It is the rejection of instant gratification in favor of something better. It is the giving up of instant pleasure and satisfaction for a higher and better goal. It manifests as the ability to stick to actions, thoughts and behavior, which lead to improvement and success. Self-discipline is self-control, and it manifests in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical discipline.
What is GRIT?
Grit is a very significant predictor of success Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in and day out. Grit is not about intensity in limited bursts but consistency of effort over time.
Inferiority complex causes inaccurate feelings of:
Inferiority complex causes people to feel they are not as good as others, but they don’t really know why that is a generalized feeling of inadequacy not based on rational judgements.
Whatever the reasons for inferiority complex, what are a few ideas to help.
1) Get specific As I said, we can know we’re inferior in some ways. If you find yourself feeling inferior, ask yourself: “Okay, exactly who do I feel inferior to?” Narrow it down. Emotional thinking is always sloppy, so tighten it up to make it less emotional. There are close to seven billion people on this planet (last time I counted). What kind of person do you feel inferior to? Rich people? Good looking people? Very academic people? People you view as accomplished? Most people aren’t these things. Now get even more specific; name names to yourself. “Actually, I feel inferior to Bob down the street.” Why? How, specifically, is Bob better than you? So from ‘feeling inferior’ we’ve gone to ‘feeling inferior to specific types’ to ‘feeling inferior to Bob down the street’. Now ask yourself in what ways Bob isn’t superior to you. Does he have your humility? Wit? Life experience? If we are too narrow with what constitutes ‘good’ or ‘successful’, then we’re more likely to come off feeling worse. Believe me, ‘Bob’ has issues of his own. 2) Drop the mime No one has written on his tombstone: “Here lies Ralph; he was quite like Bob.” All Ralph can be is Ralph (or the best possible version of himself); he ain’t ever gonna be Bob. Wanting to be someone else is okay(ish) when you’re fifteen. But how can an impersonator ever be true to themselves? Being inspired by someone else means assimilating some of their traits into who you are. It doesn’t mean trying to have their exact same life. Inferiority complexes thrive on people wanting to be someone they’re not. This doesn’t mean we have to limit ourselves as to what we can do, but it does mean that we can get by much better when we don’t try to be someone else. 3) Dare to be different Life is much less restrictive now in westernized counties. In the ’50s, you were expected to be married (perhaps in your early twenties); to have kids and a ‘respectable career’ (grave robbers need not apply); to have short hair or longer hair, depending on gender; to dress ‘properly’ and have all the right opinions. We haven’t cast aside all these norms and I’m not suggesting they are all bad, but people are much freer now to live a bit differently. No one is a ‘failure’ if they are unmarried at forty (or eighty), or if they don’t have kids or a traditionally professional career. Not in terms of current societal norms; though your parents may still have these retrospective expectations which may have influenced you. But the kind of thinking that prompts: “Oh no! I’m forty-five now. I should have a mortgage, a partner, 2.4 children! I should be like how other people are!” is a trap. If you really want these things, that’s one thing; but if you only feel they are expected of you, then remember that your life can only really be lived by you. 4) What would make you feel as good as others? Recall that in Hans Christian Anderson’s tale ‘The Ugly Duckling’, the young swan felt a failure as a duckling because, well, it wasn’t really a duckling, was it? How could it be a successful something that it was not? If you feel inferior, imagine for a moment how you’d need to be to not feel inferior. What would you need to look like, to own, to be doing? Now reflect: Would all of that really be you? Or would it be like a swan posing as a duck? For a taste of this exercise, click on the free audio session below. 5) Beware utopian thinking People who feel inferior tend to think in ‘all or nothing’ ways (any emotion will drive us to do this). ‘Utopianism’ is a type of this simplified emotional thinking. It’s a kind of ‘if only’ thought. “If only my nose was straighter…then I’d be confident and happy!” “If only I earned ten thousand more a year…then my life would be good!” “If only I could be exactly the same as Bob…then I’d feel great about my/himself!” Life doesn’t work like that. Because much of what we feel inferior about is relatively superficial; the non-superficial part of us will always feel left wanting by external band-aid remedies. Sure, you might have more confidence with a straighter nose for a while, but you are much more likely to forget about comparing yourself to others (either favourably or unfavourably) when you live your life in a sustainable way that utilizes your real core character strengths, values, and personal ideas. As the explorer and translator Sir Richard Burton wrote: Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause; He noblest lives and noblest dies who makes and keeps his self-made laws.
What does Courage look like
Courage is personal bravery in the face of fear. It is doing what needs to be done even when it is really hard or scary. Courage is going ahead even when you feel like giving up for quitting. Courage is needed in trying new things, in facing the truth and then picking yourself up after a mistake, ready to try again. It comes from knowing them deep what is right for you and believing in yourself to do it. Courage can come from prayer, and the trust that God will help.
Ways to practice bravery
Don’t be afraid to ask a question, or express an opinion in a class, or a meeting even if you believe you have a different view to other people Volunteer to help demonstrate something to your class Don’t be afraid to play with, or talk to someone who you think is a good person, but may be different, or unpopular with others Resist peer pressure or conformity where you believe the expected behaviour is wrong Stand up for someone who is being criticised, or treated unfairly Look out for examples of bravery in the news In situations where you feel anxious, pretend to be someone who handles such situations with confidence Practice positive statements, or affirmations that promote courage and self belief e.g. “I can do it”
There are three parts to fear. What I _____; What I _____; What I ____.
There are three parts to fear. What I think; What I feel; What I do
______ is only as deep as the mind allows.
Fear is only as deep as the mind allows
A fear is a _______ ________ that occurs in kids and adults every day. A _______ is an exaggerated fear; an ________ is a future oriented fear. Facing and talking about fears vs. ________ them decreases the chance of a fear turning into a phobia or anxiety.
A fear is a natural emotion that occurs in kids and adults every day. A phobia is an exaggerated fear; an anxiety is a future oriented fear. Facing and talking about fears vs. avoiding them decreases the chance of a natural fear turning into a phobia or anxiety.
I don’t fear ______. I only fear the _______ of the engine inside of me which is ________, saying, “Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?”
I don’t fear failure. I only fear the slowing of the engine inside of me which is pounding, saying, “Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?”