Character and Personality Flashcards
anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
Sys: anxious
A clumsypersonoften hasaccidentsbecause they do notbehavein acareful,controlledway
Cynical (adj)
+believingthatpeopleare onlyinterestedin helping themselves and selfish
+notshowingfairnessorrespectto anopposingplayer
sys: doubtful, suspicious, skeptical
ant: optimistic
Eccentric (adj)
strangeorunusual, sometimes in ahumorousway
Sys: eerie, peculiar, bizarre
Tactful (adj)
carefulnot to say or do anything that couldupsetsomeone
Inconsiderate (adj)
notthinkingorworryingabout otherpeopleortheirfeelings
so involved with yourself that you do not think about anyone else
sys: self-centered
liked by many people
having confidence in your own abilities
sys: self-confident, assertive
trying to make yourself, your abilities, or your achievements seem less important
sys: humble, unpretentious, modest
well brought up(adj)
well-behaved or good-mannered (especially a kid)
mentally and emotionally stable ( of a person)
successfully altered to fit a result, appearance
sys: sane, stable, well-balanced
having experience in a wide range of ideas or activities
people who don’t like spending money
A wimp
a weak person, who lack confidence
Person likes to talk about how great and important they think they are
Ex: He is selfish and egotistical
ready to believe what other people tell you so that you are easily tricked
Ex: He so gullible, always fall into my trick/ Those are fake souvenirs that can make those gullible tourists affording it
you think you are more important than other people – used to show disapproval
Ex: Customers always behave in a self-important manner, and some of the waitresses can’t stand it/ We’re living in an equal world so there is no self-important behave show in here
decide things by yourself, without depending on the help or advice of other people
Ex: it is necessary to learn how to be self-reliant/ Study abroad will train you how to be more self-reliant
behavior that shows in an annoying way that you think you have done very well at something
Ex: he is self-congratulatory, just a small exam but overreacts all the times
is polite, and behaves as if they come from a family of high social class Ex: he is a well-bred, courteous man/ it is hard to act like you're well-bred