Chapters 56-66 Flashcards
Big ideas in 56-66
Yahweh’s final appearance in Zion, as bridegroom to his people and as heroic warrior who has fought their enemies (within and without) on their behalf. His coming brings in Zion’s full, final and eschatological restoration.
The righteousness which must characterise the community living in Zion. Judah’s sins of idolatry and social injustice resurface. If they are to benefit from God’s coming salvation, they must get rid of their idols and repent of their oppression.
The open membership of this community, and the possibility of ethnic Israelites being excluded. The terms of inclusion in God’s people and thus in His coming salvation are quite clear. Be righteous. Foreigner or Israelite can be part of God’s salvation if they repent of injustice and worship Yahweh in truth.
Structure of 56-66
A. The world-wide gathering of Yahweh’s people at Zion (56.1-8)
B. Judgment against the wicked and promises for the righteous (56.9-58.14)
C. Lament over sin and confession (59.1-15a)
D. Yahweh’s intervention as divine warrior (59.15b-21)
E. Yahweh’s complete restoration of Zion (chs. 60-62)
D’. Yahweh’s intervention as divine warrior (63.1-6)
C’. Lament over sin and confession (63.7-64.11)
B’. Judgment against the wicked and promises for the righteous (65.1-66.14)
A’. The world-wide gathering of Yahweh’s people at Zion (66.15-24)