Chapters 5-8 Vocab Flashcards
adulescéntia, adulescéntiae, f.
youth, young manhood; youthfulness
ánimus, ánimi, m.
soul, spirit, mind
ánimi, ánimórum, m.
high spirits, pride, courage
caélum, caéli, n.
sky, heaven
cúpla, cúlpae, f.
fault, blame
glória, glóriae, f.
glory, fame
vérbum, vérbi, n.
te, abl. and acc. sg.
you; yourself; cf. me
líber, líbera, líberum
nóster, nósra, nóstrum
our, ours
púlcher, púlchra, púlchrum
beautiful, handsome; fine
sánus, sána, sánum
sound, healthy, sane
ígitur, conj., postpostive
therefore, consequently
-ne, interrog.
suffix attached to the first word of a sentence, typically the verb or another word on which the question hinges, to introduce a question whose answer is uncertain
própter, prep +acc.
on account of, because of
cras, adv.
heri, adv.
quándo, interrog. and rel. adv and conj.
si quándo
if ever
sátis, indecl. noun, adj, and adv.
enough, sufficient
tum, adv.
then, at that time; thereupon, in the next place
céno, cenárem, cenávim, cenátum
to dine
cúplo, culpárem, culpávi, culpátum
to blame, to censure
máneo, manére, mánsi, mánsum or remáneo, remanére, remansi, remánsum
to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
súpero, superáre, superávi, superátum
to be above
déus, i, m. voc. sg. deus, nom. pl. di, dat. and abl. pl. dis and déam déae, f., dat. abl. pl. deabus
god, goddess
discípulus, discípulim m., and discípula, discípulae, f.
learner, pupil. student
insídiae, insídiárym, f. pl.
ambush, plot, treachery
líber, líbri, m.
tyránnus, tyránni, m.
absolute ruler, tyrant
vítium, vítii, n.
fault, crime, vice
Graécus, Graéca, Graécum
Graécus, Graéci, m.
A Greek
perpétuus, perpéteua, perpétuum
perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continous
plénus, pléns, plénum
fill, abundant, generous
sálvus, sálvam, sálvum
safe, sound
secúndus, secúnda, secúndum
second; favorable
véster, véstra, véstrum
your, yours (pl.)
-que, Enclitic
appended to the second of two words to be joined
where, when, where?
íbi, adv.
now, at present
quáre, adv. lit.
becuase of which thing (therefore, wherefore, why)
póssum, pósse, pótui
to be able, can, could, have power
tólero, toleráre, tolerávi, tolerátum
to bear, endure
ámor, amóris, m.
cármen, cárminis, n.
song, poem
cívitas, civitátus, f.
state, citizenship
córpus, córporis, n.
hómo, hóminis, m.
human being, man
lábor, labóris, m.
labor, work, toil; a work, production
líttera, lítterae, f.
a letter of the alphabet
lítterate, litterárum, pl.
a letter, litterature
mos, móris, m.
habit, custom, manner
móres, mórum, pl.
habits, morals, character
nómen, nóminis, n.
pax, pácis, f.
regína, regínae, f.
rex, régis, m.
témpus, témporis, n.
time; occasion, opprounity
térra, térrae, f.
earth, ground, land, country
úxor, uxóris, f.
vígro, vírginis, f.
maiden, virgin
vírtus, virtútis, f.
manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
nóvus, nóva, nóvum
new; strange
post, prep + acc.
after, behind
sub, prep. + abl. with verbs of rest, + ACC. with verbs of motion
under, up under, close to; down to/into, to/at the foot of
aúdeo, audére, aúsus sum
to dare
néco, necáre, necávi, necátum
to kill. murder
cópia, cópiae, f. cópiae, copiárum, pl.
abundance, supply pl= supplies, troops, forces
fráter, frátris, m.
laus, laúdis, f.
praise, glory, fame
libértas, libertétis, f.
rátio, ratiónis, f.
reckoning, account; reason, judgment, consideration; system; manner method
scríptor, scriptóris, m.
writer, author
sóror, soróris, f.
victória, victóriae, f.
dum, conj.
while, as long, as, at the same time that
ex or e, prep + ab;
out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of
númquam, adv.
támen, adv.
nevertheless, still
ágo, ágere, égi, áctum
to drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend life or time
grátias ágere
+ dative for the person being thanked, to thank
demónstro, demonstrárem demonstrávi, demonstrátum
to point out, show, demonstrate
dísco, díscere, dídici
to learn
dóceo, docére, dócui, dóctum
to teach
dúco, dúcere, dúxi, dúctum
to lead; consider, regard; prolong
géro, gérere, géssi, géstum
to carry, carry on, manage, conduct, wage, accomplish, perform
scríbom, scríbere, scrípsi, scríptum
to write, compose
tráho, tráhere, tráxim, tráctum
to draw, drag; derive, acquire
vínco, víncere, víci, víctum
to conquer, overcome