Chapter 13-15 Vocab Flashcards
divítiae, divítiárum, f. pl.
riches, wealth
fáctum, fácti, n.
deed, act, achievement
sígnum, sígni, n.
sign, signal, indication; seal
ípse, ípsa, ípsum, intensive pron.
myself, yourself, himself, itself, etc., the very, the actual
quísque, quídque indefinite pron.
each one, each person, each thing
súi, reflexive pron. of 3rd pers.
himself, herself, itself, themselves
dóctus, dócta, dóctum
taught, learned, skilled
fortunátus, fortunáta, fortunátum
lucky, happy, fortunate
súus, súa, súum, reflexive possessive adj. of 3rd pers.
his own, her own, its own, their own
nam, conj.
ánte, prep. + acc.
before, in front of, previously
per, prep. + acc.
ólim, adv.
once (upon a time), long ago, formerly; some day, in the future
álo, álere, álui, áltum
to nourish, support, sustain, increase; cherish
díligo, dilígere, diléxi, diléctum
to esteem, love
iúngo, iúngere, iúnxi, iúnctum
to join
sto, stáre, stéti, státum
to stand, stand still or frim
ánimal, animális, n.
a living creature, animal
áqua, áquae, f.
ars, ártis, f.
art, skill
aúris, aúris, f.
cívis, cívis, m. and f.
ius, iúris, n.
right, justice, law
máre, máris, n.
mors, mórtis, f.
núbes, núbis, f.
os, óris, n.
mouth, face
pars, pártis, f.
part, share; direction
túrba, túrbae, f.
uproar, disturbance; mob, crowd multitude
urbs, úrbis, f.
vis, vis, f. / víres, vírium pl.
force, power, violence / strength
a (before consonants) ab (before vowels or consonants) prep. + acc.
away from, from
trans prep. + acc.
appéllo, appelláre, appellávi, appellátum
to speak to, address (as), call, name
cúrro, cúrrere, cucúrri, cúrsum
to run, rush, move quickly
múto, mutáre, mutávi, mutátum
to change, alter; exchange
téneo, tenére, ténui, téntum
to hold, keep, possess; restrain
víto, vitáre, vitávi, vitátum
to avoid, shun
memória, memóriae, f.
memory, recollection
tempéstas, tempestátis, f.
period of time, season; weather, storm
míser, mísera, míserum
wretched, miserable, unfortunate
ínter prep. + acc.
between, among
ítaque, adv.
and so, therefore
commítto, commíttere, commísi, commíssum
to entrust, commit
exspécto, exspectáre, exspectávi, exspectátum
to look for, expect, await
iácio, iácere, iéci, iáctum
to throw, hurl
tímeo, timére, tímui
to fear, be afraid (of)