Chapters 1-4 Vocab Flashcards
me, pron.
quid, pron.
níhil, noun
non, adv.
saépe, adv.
si, conj.
ámo, amáre, amávi, amátum
to love, like
amábo te, idiom
please (I will love you)
cógito, cogitáre, cogitávi, cogitátum
to think, ponder, consider, plan
débeo, debére, débui, débitum
to owe; ought, must, should
do, dáre, dédi, dátum
to give, offer
érro, erráre, errávi, errátum
to wander; go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken
laúdo, laudáre, laudávi, laudátum
to praise
móneo, monére, mónui, mónitum
to remind, advise, warn
sálveo, salvére
to be well, be in good health
sálve, sálvéte
hello, greetings
sérvo, serváre, servávi, servátum
to preserve, save, keep, guard
consérvo, conserváre, conservávi, conservátum
a stronger form of sérvo; to preserve, conserve, maintain
térreo, terrére, térrui, térritum
to frighten, terrify
váleo, valére, válui, valitúrum
to be strong, have power; be well
vále (valéte)
goodbye, farewell
vídeo, vidére, vídi, vísum
to see; observe, understand
vóco, vocáre, vocávi, vocátum
to call, summon
fáma, fámae, f.
rumor, report; fame, reputation
fórma, fórmae, f.
form, shape; beauty
fortúna, fortúnae, f.
fortune, luck
íra, írae, f.
ire, anger
natúta, naútae, m.
pátrua, pátriae, f.
fatherland, native land, (one’s) country
pecúnia, pecúniae, f.
philosóphia, philosóphiae, f.
love of wisdom, philosophy
poéna, poénae, f.
penalty, punishment
poénas dáre, idom
to pay the penalty
poéta, poétae, m.
pórta, pórtae, f.
gate, entrance
puélla, puéllae, f.
rósa, rósae, f.
senténtia, senténtia, f.
feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence