Chapters 5, 6, 7, And 8 Flashcards
Target population:
What entire group you want to look at
Accessible population:
The population or portion of the target population you can actually look at
Law of large numbers
More data/participants means more accurate measurements
Systematic sampling
Calculated way of randomly picking participants
Convenience sampling
Whoever happens to be there/available
What are the four types of research strategies
Descriptive research:
Assessing the state of individual variables
Relationship research
Does one variable affect another?
Correlational research:
To see how two different variables affect the same participant
Nonexperimental research:
Examine two groups, pick out a variable, and compare them without manipulation
External validity
What was studied happen in the outside world?
Internal validity
Did we even study the thing right?
Extrenious variable
Any variable that you aren’t measuring but affects the study
What are the four elements of a research study?
Third variable problem
When a third variable screws up the numbers by affecting everything