Chapters 39-40a Latin to English Flashcards
aedificium, aedificiī, n.
building, structure
iniūria, iniūriae, f.
injustice, injury, wrong
mulier, mulieris, f.
trānsitus, trānsitūs, m.
passing over, transit; transition
ventus, ventī, m.
cupidus, cupida, cupidum (+ gen.)
desirous, eager, fond; (+ gen.) desirous of, eager for
līberālis, līberāle
of, relating to a free person; worthy of a free man, decent, liberal; generous
necesse (indecl. adj.)
necessary, inevitable
necesse est (+ inf.)
it is necessary (+ inf.)
vetus, veteris
as if, as it were
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum
to walk
experior, experīrī, expertus sum
to try, test; experience
lībō, lībāre, lībāvī, lībātum
to pour a libation of, on; pour ritually; sip; touch gently
oportet, oportēre, oportuit (impersonal, + inf.)
it is proper, right, necessary (impersonal, + inf.)
oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātum
to fight against, attack, assault, assail
ōrnō, ōrnāre, ōrnāvī, ōrnātum
to equip, furnish, adorn
pernoctō, pernoctāre, pernoctāvī, pernoctātum
to spend or occupy the night
trānseō, trānsīre, trānsiī, trānsitum
to go across, cross; pass over, ignore
aes, aeris, n. (chapter 40)
dominus, domini, m. / domina, dominae, f.
master / mistress
lacrima, lacrimae, f.
mēta, mētae, f.
turning point, goal; limit, boundary
monumentum, monumentī, n.
nāsus, nāsī, m.
saxum, saxī, n.
rock, stone
vultus, vultī, m.
countenance, face
iūstus, iūsta, iūstum
just, right
so many, as many
tot … quot
as many … as
praeter (+ acc.)
besides, except; beyond, past (+ acc.)
interrogative adverb introducing direct questions expecting the answer “yes”
interrogative adverb (1) introducing direct questions expecting the answer “no”; (2) introducing indirect questions, meaning “whether.”
wholly, entirely, altogether
after all, finally; for the last time
indeed, in fact, furthermore
explicō, explicāre, explicāvī, explicātum
to unfold; explain; spread out, deploy
fatīgō, fatīgāre, fatīgāvī, fatīgātum
to weary, tire out
for, fārī, fātus sum
to speak, talk, fortell
opīnor, opīnārī, opīnātus sum
to suppose
reperiō, reperīre, repperī, repertum
to find, discover, learn; get
vereor, verērī, veritus sum
to show reverence for, respect; be afraid of, fear