Chapters 27-28a Latin to English Flashcards
dēlectātiō, dēlectātiōnis, f.
delight, pleasure, enjoyment
nepos, nepōtis, m.
grandson, descendant
sōl, sōlis, m.
dīligēns, dīligentis
diligent, careful
dissimilis, dissimile
unlike, different
gracilis, gracile
slender, thin
humilis, humile
lowly, humble
maior, maius
greater; older
maiōrēs, maiōrum, m. pl.
prīmus, prīma, prīmum
first, foremost, chief, principal
how many, as many as
similis, simile (+ gen. or dat.)
similar (to), like, resembling (+ gen. or dat.)
superus, supera, superum
above, upper
superī, superōrum, m. pl.
the gods
ūtilis, ūtile
useful, advantageous
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum
to place, put, set
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātum
to approve, recommend; test
arma, armōrum, n. pl. Chapter 28
arms, weapons
cursus, cursūs, m.
running, race; course
lūna, lūnae, f.
occāsiō, occāsiōnis, f.
occasion, opportunity
parēns, parentis, m./f.
stella, stellae, f.
star, planet
vesper, vesperis or vesperī, m.
evening; evening star
mortuus, mortua, mortuum
prīnceps, prīncipis, m./f.
chief, foremost; (as noun) leader, emperor
ut (+ subjunctive)
(+ subj.) in order that, so that, that, in order to, so as to; (+ indic.) as, when
nē (+ subjunctive)
not; in order that … not, that … not, in order not to
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
to go, withdraw; yield to, grant submit
dēdicō, dēdicāre, dēdicāvī, dēdicātum
to dedicate
egeō, egēre, eguī (+ abl.)
to need, lack, want (+ abl.)
expleō, explēre, explēvī, explētum
to fill, fill up, complete
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitum
to be silent, leave unmentioned