Chapters 31-35 Flashcards
What does the 18th Amendment prohibit?
- It prohibits the sale of alcohol
- It prohibits the manufacturing of alcohol
- It prohibits the distribution of alcohol
But they DO NOT ban the consumption of alcohol
These are the groups or organizations that do illegal activities.
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti/Sacco-Vanzetti Case
- They were convicted of robbery and murder and sentenced to death.
- They were believed to be anarchists.
- They were also not given a fair trial as they were almost always going to be convicted regardless
- It represents how America is afraid of immigrants and doesn’t always treat them fairly.
Al Capone
- He is the most famous gangster in American History
- He runs the city of Chicago
- He is taken down because of tax evasion instead of his more heavier crimes of bootlegging and prostitution
- He spends his jail time in Alcatraz where he is a model citizen until he contracts syphilis and dies
They are illegal or underground secret bars that begin to pop up
- This is the illegal production and distribution of alcohol
- Called bootlegging because of how pirates used to put/hide alcohol in their peg legs.
Ku Klux Klan
- It’s a white terrorist group that originally went after blacks after the Civil War, and they will change to going after immigrants during the 1920’s.
- They are now against anyone and anything that doesn’t believe the same way they do.
Hiram Evans
- He is a major leader of the KKK during this time
- His title was the Grand Imperial Wizard
General Intelligence Division
- They help to hunt down communism using Palmer raids.
- They eventually become the FBI
21st Amendment (1933)
- This ends the prohibition
- It will repeal the 18th amendment and now make alcohol legal once again
A. Mitchell Palmer
He is a government official who is responsible for hunting communism.
United States President 1921-1923
- Warren Harding and he did not complete his term because he died of a heart attack. He was succeeded by Calvin Coolidge.
- He was a republican
United States President 1923-1929
- Calvin Coolidge served from 1923-1929. Started due to Harding’s death and then became president in his own right.
- He was a republican
United States President 1929-1932
- Herbert Hoover served from 1929-1932. He served one term.
- He was a republican
United States President 1945-1953
- Harry Truman was president from 1945-1953
- He was a democrat
United States President 1933-1945
- Franklin D. Roosevelt was president from 1933-1945 and he was the first and last president to serve 4 terms
- He was a democrat
What sport came about because of bootlegging and why?
- Bootleggers had to pump up their cars to escape from cops
Andrew Mellon
He is the secretary of treasury whose ideas led to an economic boom but left unchecked will also lead to the Great Depression.
An economic system based on mass production and mass consumption. Created by Henry Ford and his Ford Motor Company, which developed an assembly line system
Henry Ford
- He prefects the assembly line
- He will expand the car industry
What city will be propped up and become a big motor city?
Detroit which is a city in Michigan
Model T (automobile industry)
This is the first affordable car in American history
- A 1920s woman who began to use fashion as their way of freedom.
- They had shorter everything; hair, necklines, dresses…
New Morality
As men come back from WW1 and women have begun to have more freedom, the youth begin to challenge the old way of doing things.
Babe Ruth
He is always connected with baseball
Jack Dempsey
He is always connected with boxing
Bobby Jones
He is always connected with golf
Charlie Chaplin
He will be one of, if not the must, famous actor of this time period.
It will become the center of movies and celebrities.
Gugliclmo Marconi and the Radio
- Gugliclmo Marconi invented the radio
- It will create instantaneous new and the beginning of mass media
- newspapers and magazine also create mass media but they are not fast
- Usually if you didn’t have a radio someone near you did and would usually let you listen in to some of the important news.
Bible Belt
- Takes place in most of the South, and it is basically the southeast part of the United States (Tennessee and below)
This is where America wants to go back to where they were focused on religion.
This is where they are moving forwards into science and technology
What is the main argument between the modernists and fundamentalists?
- They argue about evolution vs creation.
- They argue whether or not it should be taught in schools (Scopes Monkey Trial)
The Scopes Monkey Trial
- It takes place in Tennessee.
- It is a clash between evolution and creationism.
- The trial proved inconclusive.
- Creationism will continue to be taught but evolution will start to make waves.
John T. Scopes
- He is the teacher who taught evolution and was put on trial.
- Scopes was ultimately found guilty and was fined/charged $100
Clarence Darrow
- He is the criminal lawyer who is defending evolution & John T. Scopes.
- He absolutely smokes William Jennings Bryan during this trial.
William Jennings Bryan
- He was the lawyer who was against evolution and for creationism
- He was made to look like a fool during the trial by the opposing lawyer, Clarence Darrow
- He dies shortly after this trial
F. Scott Fitzgerald
- He became an overnight success with his book “This Side of Paradise (it became a hit with the youth
- His success continues with his book “The Great Gatsby (←must know for test)
Ernest Hemingway
- He is an author who writes about his experience during WW1
- His books are “The Sun Also Rises” and “A Farewell to Arms”
William Faulkner
- He is an author
- He wrote numerous novels, screenplays, poems, and short stories.
T. S. Elliot
- He is the most famous poet at this time
Frank Lloyd Wright
- He is the most famous architect of this period
- He begins to make architecture into an art and makes all of his buildings unique
- He helped advance the theory that buildings should grow from their sites and use local materials
As companies grow, they need consumers to know about their product.
Empire State Building
It was built in the 1930’s and is 102 stories tall
Items are more expensive so people begin installment plans
Red Scare
People become worried that communism in America will spread because of immigrants
Stock Market & Buying on Margin
- The stock market become an intensifying gambling den and everyone was buying stocks on margin
- The idea of boom or bust shot up the stock market with “never sell America short” mentality
Volstead Act
- It was also know as the National Prohibition Act, and it was a law that prohibited the production, sale, transportation, and possession of alcohol in the United States.
- Basically enforced the 18th amendment
Warren G. Harding
- He was the president from 1921-1923 (republican)
- He was well liked but a top 5 worst presdient and there were several scandals during his presidency
- He died before he could clean up his act
- He appointed Taft as Chief Court Justice
Ohio Gang
- Warren G. Harding appointed his friends into high political positions and they create scandals for him
- They are called the Ohio Gang because he is from Ohio
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital
U.S. Supreme Court case in which the court invalidated a board established by Congress to set minimum wages for women workers
min wages unconstitutional bec. interfered with the freedom to contract.
Washington “Disarment” Conference
Was a plan that kept a 5:5:3 ratio of ships that could be held by the US, Britain, and Japan (in that order). This surprised many delegates at the conference (notably, the Soviet Union, which was not recognized by the US, was not invited and did not attend.
Basically the whole idea of this was to make sure that there wasn’t another war (good idea but it was unsuccessful)
What countries did the US try to keep at bay with the Washington Disarment Conference?
- The Japanese because they’ll take China
- The Soviet Union because they’ll spread communinsm
- Germany because of WW1 (rightfully so because soon Hitler will rise)
Five-Power Naval Treaty
Washington “Disarment” Conference
It embodied Hughes’s ideas on ships ratios, but only after the Japanese received compensation.
Four-Power Treaty
Washington “Disarment” Conference
It bound Britain, Japan, France, and the US to needing to consult one another before taking action in the Pacific territories. With the hopes that this would prevent some conflict
Nine-Power Treaty
Washington “Disarment” Conference
Despite all this apparent action, there were no limits placed on small ships and Congress only approved the Four-Power Treaty on the condition that the US was not bound, thus effectively rendering that treaty useless. This treaty involved the previous four powers plus Belgium, China, Netherlands, and Portugal, and it reaffirmed China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, while also requiring all signatories to respect China’s political independence.
Veteran’s Bureau
In 1921 Warren G. Harding will create the Veterans Bureau (which is a good thing)
Is was responsible for administering benefit programs for veterans, their families, and their survivors.
Teapot Dome Scandal
- The most famous scandal in presidential history until Watergate that saw public land sold to private investors and politicians received money for it.
- It was the secret leasing of federal oil reserves in California, and Wyoming, by Albert Fall. Albert Fall had gottem as much as $400,000 in bribes
Albert B. Fall
Albert Bacon Fall—TEEHEE his middle name is bacon! 🥓😂
- He was the politician who is responsible for the Teapot-Dome scandal
- Received as much as $400,000 in bribes
- He was the first cabinet member to be imprisoned for crimes committed while in office.
Dawes Plan
- This is named after Charles Dawes.
- It’s an idea to help Germany repay its war debt.
- The idea is that by taking loans from American investors and banks.
- Germany will take that money and pay Britain and France, Britain and France then pay off the US.
- Everyone ends up sitting pretty except the US who got screwed over.
Calvin Coolidge
- 1923-1929 presdient (republican)
- He is a moral, religious, and quiet man
- His idea is that business should thrive and the government should keep their hands off
- This will thrive in the ’20s but when left uncheckeed it will help lead to the Great Depression.
His slogan for president was “Keep cool with Coolidge”
Harry M. Daugherty and Charles R. Forbes
They were two other politicians that were caught in their own scandal.
Harry Daugherty→He was the attorney General who had the scandal of selling illegal liquor pardons and permits.
Charles Forbes→Veteran’s Bureau Scandal
Frederick Taylor
He wants to use science and technology in the business world
Margaret Sanger
- She is always connected with birth control/contraceptives movement
Harlem Renaissance
During the 1920s this brought international fame to black Americans especially in art and literature
Langston Hughes
- Arguably the most famous black author during this time
Marcus Garvey
- He creates the idea of negro nationalism (which is black pride/unity)
- He will argue that if America wants to spearate blacks and whites than blacks will leave the county and start their own nation
- He started the United Negro Improvement Association
An American style music that was created at this time by black Americans.
The main difference between jazz and blues is that blues are more somber as they have more of a religious background.
Duke Ellington
The most famous band musician at this time.
Louis Armstrong
The most famous musician for blacks at this time.
Cotton Club
The major black club that if you make it there then you’re famous.
Criminal Syndicalism Laws
Passed by many states during the Red Scare of 1919-1920, these nefarious laws outlawed the mere advocacy of violence to secure social change. Stump speakers of the International Workers of the World (IWW) (Wobblies), were special targets.
The American Plan
A business oriented approach to worker relations popular among firms in the 1920s to defeat unionization. Managers sought to strengthen their communication with workers and to offer benefits like pensions and insurance. They insisted on an “open shop” in contrast to the manadatory union membership through the “closed shop” that many labor activists had demanded in the strike after World War 1.
United Negro Improvement Association
A black nationalist orgaization founded in 1914 by the Jamaican-born Marcus Garvery in order to promote resettlement African Americans to their “African homeland” and to simulate a vigorous separate black economy within the United States.
Herbert Hoover
- 1929-1933 republican president
- He is blamed for the Great Depression since it happened under his watch and becaudse of it he is one the top ten worst presidents
- During this election some of the South actually voted republican because they were happy with the economy
- Social media begins to take a charge in Hoover’s election with cameras and how the filmed the inauguration
- He was very indecisive so when he finally makes a decision it is too late
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
- It is a cause of the Great Depression
- It will significantly raise the tariff (60%)
- It fractures our relationship with foreign nations
- It was a bad policy at the wrong time
- Happened in 1930
Bear and Bull Market
- A bear market goes down and a bull market goes up
- There’s a bull in front of Wallstreet which is partly the reason for bull being good
It is based on the animal’s method of attack a bear will strike down with its claw and a bull will stike up with its horns
Black Tuesday
The day the stock market crashed
- The day the stock market crashed, October 29, 1929
- This brings us closer to the Great Depression
- This will only affect the wealthy
- Lost between $10-15 billion
Buying on Margin
Investors are buying stock at lower prices to sell when they are higher
They’re also buying with money they don’t have
This is when invesors try to predict the price of a stock without doing any research
What gets us in trouble and causes the stock market to crash?
Margin does not get us into trouble, speculation does
Reason #1 for the Great Depression
The Stock Market Crashed
- On its own America would have been able to recover but all combined…
- This only affects the wealthy
- Lost between $10-15 Billion
- Buying on margin and speculation also contributed quite a bit
- By the late ‘20s pople have invested as much as they can and the poor can’t invest
- Some people thought that maybe the stock market isn’t the best idea and pull all their money out and cause the market to crash
Reason #2 for the Great Depression
Banks will weaken and unfortunately close
- One of the main groups that invests in the stock market is banks
- At this time banks were not backed by the Federal government so when they run out of money they have to close
-Whatever bank your money is in, is the only bank that can give your money back
- Starts bank runs where the people will run to the banks to try to get their money back
Reason #3 for the Great Depression
Overproduction, Low Demand, And Unequal Distribution Of Wealth
- Businesses in America are overproducing
- Companies are still trying to produce at the same price and quantity
- The wages of workers are not increasing and since the workers cannot afford items there is a rise of credit and installment
- When the stock market crashes and the banks run out of money, the workers cannot pay off their loans and they get revoked
- Some of the farmers are affected by this because some of their farms are on credit
Reason #4 for the Great Depression
We Lose Our Ability To Sell Overseas
- Banks do not lend to foreign nations at this time
1. America did not have money to lend at this time
2. They weren’t backed by the government so they were scared they wouldn’t get their money back
- The Hawley-Smoot Tariff made it so we could not trade with foreign nations
Reason #5 for the Great Depression
The Bad Policy of the Federal Reserve
- The federal reserve, which was an angency created to prevent this, made a mistake
- They were shantytowns and began to be called hoovervilles to make fun of the president
- A place built by homeless people using whatever reasources they could find (typically cardboard, earth, newspapers…)
- They were usually located next to trains and factories where they would work until the factory closed then hop the train and move to another factory where they would set up another shantytown
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- It is an organization that was created by congress and approved by the president, and it will make loans to different businesses and organizations
- Unfortunately for Hoover and the country it came about too late to make a difference
Bonus Army/Bonus March
- WW1 veterans who were promised money by the government marched to DC in hopes of getting that money
- They were not successful and some of them were killed by the US Army
Hoover-Stimson Doctrine
- Secretary of State, Stimson, will say that the USA will not recognize territory that is taken by force
- The main reason was because Japan is trying to take China so we put pressure on Japan
- This will also lead straight to WW2
Hoover Dam
- Public works project that was meant to help people get a job and be paid by the government
- It will be a good idea but it comes too late to stop the Great Depression
- Dams up the Colorado River
- Can now provide water and electricity to Southwest US
- Leads to the Rise of Las Vegas
Dust Bowl
In the mid 1930s, the farmers in the midwest will see a freak natural disaster combined with bad farming techniques that will destroy crops and farmlands for many years.
Hunger Marches/Farmers Revolt
- People began to protest and riot because of food shortages
- Farmers began to destroy crops in hopes that the prices would go up and the government would intervene
- Drastic times call for drastic measures so to speak
- Hunger marches will be taken over by the communist party
Good Neighbor Policy
The US will have better relations with Latin America under Hoover
Dorthea Lange
- She gets paid by the government to take pictures of the Depression
- She will take the pricture that defines the era The Migrant Mother
What is the name of the famous photograph taken by Dorthea Lange that defines this era?
The Migrant Mother
Breadlines and Soup Kitchens
- A place where people could get a free hot meal
- Soup was used becuase they could easily water it down to make more
- Bread was used because it was cheaply made (until the dust bowl)
They are homeless people who travel from place to place.
Midwestern farmers who left their land and mainly moved west toward California.
Movies and the Depression
An entertainment that provided an escape for people at this time.
What is the name of the painting that define the dust bowl era?
The American Gothic
How many people were unemployed thanks to the Great Depression?
25% unemployment
What did people want during the Great Depression?
People did not want a handout, they wanted to work
What countries do we have better relations with?
Latin America
What was Hoover’s biggest mistake?
He was too indecivsive and waited way too late to make a decision and try to stop the depression.
What board game was created during the Great Depression?
What is Brother can you spare a dime?
- It was a song that became the anthem of the Great Depression
- It shows how desperate people were ebcause they were only asking for a dime ad not a lot of money
- In this song the person has helped build the railroad, build skyscrapers, and fought in WW1 and they are asking the government to help them out.
What song became the Anthem of the Great Depression?
Brother Can You Spare a Dime
Douglas MacArthur and the Bonus Army
- He was under orders from Hoover to move the veterans out of the government buildings but he took that as get rid of them
- He exceeded the orders brutally and ultimately Hoover was blamed for it
- The army even began using tear gas and bayonets to drive them away, and torched their belongings and shelters
Radio and the Depression
- Offered entertainment on a more personal, everyday level that helped create a new sense of community for those who listened.
- President Franklin Roosevelt communicated with the public on a frequent basis with his Fireside Chats
During the election of 1932 what group changed their vote to democrat and it hasn’t really changed since?
African Americans changed their vote from republican to democrat
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- 1933-1945 democrat president
- The only president to serve more than 2 terms and he actually was into his 4th when he died
- Basically a career politician
- He will contract polio in the early 1920s and it will define who he is and FDR will redefine the country
He is famous for saying many things but one of them was at his first inaugural address where he says, “The only thing we hae to fear is fear itself”