Chapters 30-31 Study Questions Flashcards
Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Post-Exilic Prophets
Who wrote 1 & 2 Chronicles?
Ezra, by Jewish tradition
What was Ezra’s heritage?
He came from a priestly line.
When was 1 & 2 Chronicles written?
450-425 B.C. (5th century)
Was 1 & 2 Chronicles always split into two books?
No. Originally it was one book.
What was the purpose of 1 & 2 Chronicles?
To review the history of Israel from Creation to the exile and restoration at the hand of Cyrus. This provided a spiritual foundation for the post-exilic nation as the covenant people of Jehovah.
What was the theme of 1 & 2 Chronicles?
Purposeful history
1 Chronicles carries the narrative up to what point in Jewish history?
The death of David
2 Chronicles covers what part of the Jewish timeline?
The reign of Solomon, the Exile, and Cyrus’s decree of restoration
What part of Israel is the focus of 2 Chronicles?
House of David (Southern Kingdom - Judah)
The books of Chronicles parallel what major books of the Old Testament?
Genesis, Samuel, & Kings
Discrepancies in the spelling of names in Chronicles compared to Genesis, Samuel, and Kings can be attributed to what primarily?
Copyists mistaking similar letters
Discrepancies in numerical statistics between Chronicles and the other Old Testament books can be attributed to what?
Round number estimates by copyists, or the translating of numbers expressed by alphabetic letters
Discuss the salvation of Manasseh (2 Chr. 33:1)
Manasseh was the son of, and heir to the throne after Hezekiah. He was wicked. Manasseh was carried off to Babylon where he repented and was saved (v.13). It was a real salvation that produced good works (v. 14-16). He was saved late, though, and didn’t have time to finish his reforms in Judah before he died (v. 17, 20).
What does the name “Ezra” mean?
Were Ezra and Nehemiah originally one book or two?
What is Ezra’s connection to Nehemiah, according to tradition?
Nehemiah had a library that Ezra could have used for recording Israel’s history in Chronicles.
What was the book of Nehemiah?
Nehemiah’s memoirs included by Ezra
What is the theme of Ezra and Nehemiah?
Restoration of the city, the people to the land, the spiritual law, and the temple
What is the approximate date of Ezra and Nehemiah?
425 B.C. (5th century)
What does the name “Esther” mean?
Persian for “star”
Who wrote Esther?
The author is not established though it may have been Mordecai.
When was Esther written?
Likely the last half of the 5th century, after the reign of Xerxes
What is the theme of Esther?
The providence of God
What was the opposition to Esther’s canonicity?
The book does not mention the name of God.
How was the Persian decree to exterminate the Jews overcome when it was unchangeable?
It was overridden by another decree.
What does the name “Haggai” mean?
Festal - festival
What is unusual about the book of Haggai?
Generally scholars and critics seem to agree on its date and authorship.
When was Haggai written and during who’s reign?
520 B.C., in the second year of Darius the Great (post-exilic)
What is the theme of Haggai?
Rebuilding the temple
What does the name “Zechariah” mean?
“Jehovah has remembered”
When was Zechariah written?
5th/6th century
What is the theme of Zechariah?
The Messiah’s advent
Why are chapters 9-14 considered late by Liberal scholars?
They are apocalyptic and have a different style.
What are two major teachings of Zechariah?
- Joshua the son of Jehozadak is a type of Messiah - 6:9ff.
2. Two different comings of the Messiah - 9:9-10
Who was the author of Malachi?
What does the name “Malachi” mean?
“My messenger”
What is the theme of Malachi?
Rebuke of superficial religion.
What is the major teaching of Malachi?
The tithe (tenth part)
What is the main point of teaching about tithing?
Discuss Malachi’s burden and how it applies to churches today.
Malachi had a burden, or weight upon his heart. Today, God gives people in churches a burden for programs or missions.