Chapter 19 Study Questions Flashcards
Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
What military rank was Joshua?
What is Joshua’s longer Hebrew and Greek name?
Yehoshua - Hebrew
Yesus or Jesus - Greek
According to Hebrew canon, what was Joshua considered to be?
First of the former prophets
What is the theme of Joshua?
Conquering, or possessing, the promised land of Canaan
Who was the author of Joshua?
Likely Joshua with minor additions from another author, such as his obituary.
When was Joshua written?
The exact date is unknown.
Rahab was still alive.
Jebusites were living in Jerusalem, and were not expelled until the 7th or 8th year of David’s reign. Joshua’s composition must be pre-Davidic.
What is the importance of the book of Joshua?
Historical value regarding God and Israel
Devotional value
What is noteworthy about the battle of Gibeon? (Joshua 10:12-14)
The day was prolonged another 24 hours.
What is the objection to Joshua’s long day?
Catastrophe would have befallen the earth and every living thing.
What provides evidence that the planet may have been slowed its rotation on the day of the battle of Gibeon, but not completely stopped?
Chapter 10, verse 13. says the sun “did not hasten” to set… This does not necessarily indicate the earth stopped. The earth could have taken 48 hours to rotate rather than 24.
Why did God want to exterminate the Canaanites?
- The Canaanites were exceedingly wicked, given over to the most degenerate forms of polytheism and sexual immorality.
- Their practices would influence Israel.
What was particularly vile about Canaanite religious practices?
They sacrificed infants.
What is meant by Joshua giving the land rest?
He was conducting a mop-up operation, allowing the tribes of Israel to cleanse the land of pockets of resistance.
Was the practice of casting lots a method of gambling?
No. Casting lots was controlled by the sovereignty of God.
Where does the name “Judges” come from?
The gifted executive/military leaders who delivered and ruled over Israel when the nation was a loose confederacy.
What is the basic theme of Judges?
Israel was unable to keep true to the covenant even under the leadership of men chosen by God to deliver them from pagan oppression.
When was Judges written?
Internal evidence suggests a date before David captured Jerusalem (c. 990 B.C.).
What is evidence for the time period when Judges was written?
Judges 19:1 says at that time there was no king in Israel, implying that there was a king when the author was writing, before the days of the sinful monarchy.
Who wrote Judges?
Unknown. Author may have been Samuel or a disciple of his.
What is the theme of Judges?
Spiritual decline, defeat, and deliverance.
Give the five-fold cycle of defeat and deliverance that is recorded in Judges chapter 2.
- Spiritual decline: vv. 10ff.
- Oppression: vv. 14-15
- Repentance: v. 18
- Deliverance: v. 16, 18
- Rest
What is the solution to the problem of chronology in Judges?
The careers of the Judges overlapped. Samson faced Philistine oppression and Jephtah faced Ammonite oppression at the same time.
What is a likely alternative to Jephtah sacrificing his daughter in Judges 11:30-31, 39?
Jephtah gave his daughter over to temple service. She mourned her perpetual virginity, not approaching loss of life.
List the Judges of Israel.
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephtah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli, Samuel.
What is significant about Deborah?
She was a woman. Barak was a contemporary military leader, and Deborah, being a woman, could not be.
What was significant about Samson?
Samson did not have the support of the people. He was an army of one.
What is the purpose of the book of Ruth?
To relate the introduction of non-Israelite blood into the Davidic line
What is the theme of Ruth?
The kinsman redeemer
How is the kinsman redeemer a type of the Messiah?
KR must be a blood relative. Christ as a man was a near relative of mankind.
KR must have money to purchase the forfeited inheritance. Christ was able as He was sinless.
KR must be willing to buy back the forfeited inheritance. Christ was willing to die.
KR must be willing to marry the wife of the deceased kinsman. This is prophetic of Jesus taking the church as His bride.