Chapter 34 Study Questions Flashcards
Job and Proverbs
What does Job’s name mean?
“Come back” or “repent”
Where do the events in Job take place?
Somewhere in North Arabia
What is the theme of Job?
Pain and disaster in the life of the godly.
How does the book of Job answer the question, “Why do the righteous suffer?”
- God is worthy of love even apart from the blessings He bestows.
- God may permit suffering to purify or strengthen the soul in godliness.
- God’s ways are too vast for the human mind to grasp.
What was the basic motive of Job’s friends in attempting to elicit from him a confession of sin?
To bolster their own sense of security. They were afraid.
Who wrote the book of Job?
Unknown, and likely a non-Israelite
When did the events in Job take place?
Likely before the time of Moses, making Job the oldest book in the Bible. There are several views, however, and it is difficult to know which is correct.
When was the book of Job written?
Likely before the time of Moses, though there is much debate.
What passage in Job mentions resurrection, and what are its key words?
Job 19:26: “…yet in my flesh I shall see God.”
What is the Hebrew title of the book of Proverbs?
The Proverbs of Solomon
What is the purpose of a book of proverbs?
To instruct in the principles of wisdom
What are the three major terms for wisdom in Proverbs and what kind of wisdom do they pertain to?
- Hokma - discernment between good and evil, virtue and vice, duty and self-indulgence
- Bina - understanding the difference between sham and reality, truth and error, living for the moment versus long-range values
- Tusyya - ability to apply principles God has revealed to everyday life
The Proverbs are attributed to what four men?
Solomon, “wise men”, Agur the son of Jakeh, and King Lemuel
What is the theme of Proverbs (similar to the purpose)?
Wisdom for living
When were the Proverbs compiled?
10th century
What did the editorial committee of Hezekiah do with the Proverbs between 726-698 B.C.?
Added additional proverbs of Solomon
Who was King Lemuel according to Archer?
Possibly an Arabian prince who had faith in Jehovah. Could also be a pet name for Solomon.