Chapters 22-23 Flashcards
The problem of multiple comparisons
the most difficult challenge of statistics
-it is impossible to interpret P values without knowing how many comparisons
Assuming two comparisons, what is the chance of obtaining at least one statistically significant conclusion (false positives) by chance?
Assuming two comparisons, what is the chance of obtaining zero statistically significant conclusion (false positives) by chance?
With K independent comparisons, • The chance that none will be significant
is 0.95^K
The chance that one or
more will be significant
when null is actually
true =
1- 0.95^K
Multiple comparisons can be used to generate hypotheses, • But not
experiments to
test hypotheses.
Simply report uncorrected P values but clearly state
how many comparisons were made and that no
corrections were made to P values.
Or designate one test as the
primary outcome and
all others (secondary outcomes) as exploratory
• must be a priori.
Or if all of the comparisons produced similar
significant results,
Then all would lead to the same conclusion
whether just one or many comparisons were
Familywise Error Rate
Previously, α was used to represent the Type I Error rate per comparison. • With multiple comparisons, we need a familywise error rate.
Here the significance level is redefined to be the
chance of obtaining one or more statistically
significant conclusions if all null hypotheses are true.
Bonferroni Correction
The most common approach is to divide the value of α by the number of comparisons. • For 20 comparisons: • 0.05/20 = 0.0025 • i.e. α /K (where K is the number of comparisons)
Now there is only a 5% chance of seeing (with a Bonferroni correction)
one or more significant results (if all nulls are true) in the whole study.
Defining Groups With the Data
Groups must be defined before seeing the data. • If defined by the data, then multiple comparisons have already occurred.
When something unusual happens, it is tempting to calculate the probability that this event could happen in this place. • But what you really need to know is
the probability that
this event could happen in
one of the places that you
can observe.
Researchers may
develop a model to
explain an event
If you choose individual explanatory variables from a large set of
candidates, and then just use the best in the model, you have
performed multiple comparisons.
Some of those variables were
probably associated with the dependent variable just be chance.
If you keep adding samples until you get a significant result, but then stop adding samples every time you get significant results.
You have bias the results in favor if Type I Errors.
Data Torture/Data Diving
Example: • Just keep running different analyses until you get a significant result. • This is multiple comparisons. The chances of a Type I Error are substantially increased.