Chapter 3 Flashcards
the data you
collectthe data you
the true
underlying situation
Standard statistical methods assume that
population is much larger than the sample
We usually assume
that the data you
collect is __________ from the
randomly sampled
But values (e.g. mean)
computed from a
sample can differ
the true population values
Random sampling error
by chance, a random
sample can have different values from the true pop.
-no one is ‘at fault’.
Bias is not
random but
produces errors
in a consistent
Selection bias:
the way the sample is collected is
not random. Subjects with particular values are
preferentially sampled.
In statistics, ‘sampling error’ does not usually
refer to
sloppy or incorrect measurements
Statistics usually
assumes that
sampling error
does not exist
If the measurements are just sloppy, then…
might be missed and/or variation over-estimated.
If the measurements are systematically
too low or
too high, then this is an additional source of bias.
New perspective
mathematical description of a simplified view of the world. - Consists of general description and parameters.
Example New perspective
a Gaussian bell-shaped distribution is a
model with the parameters: mean and standard
deviation. Image shows effect of the parameters.
Goals of Statistics
1. Make inferences about the values of parameters for a model. 2. Compare alternative models.
a sampling design that is inappropriate for describing the population of interest.
Pseudoreplication dont’s:
Do not take many samples from one individual person
and extrapolate to all people.
Do not treat hierarchical samples as independent
samples (e.g. 5 randomly chosen countries with 5
randomly chosen individuals from each. This is not the
same as 25 individuals chosen randomly worldwide.)